Page 29 - BR June 2024 with duck - converted
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June  2024                            June 2024
 LOCAL CHURCHES WITH THE COMMUNITY   addition,  there  are  localised  issues  such  as  the  very  poor  road  surface  in
       Shitterton, poor lighting in some areas and so on. We are still going through the
 BUS   large number of comments, but the information and suggestions that you have
       given us will support discussions we will be having with Dorset Council in the near
 ON  7   May  an  intrepid  crowd  set  out  to  visit  a
 few local churches.  It was a new venture for the   Finally,  it  was  good  to see  that the  Salt  &  Pepper  Lunch  Club  remains  popular,
 Community  bus  crowd  to  go  and  look  at  very   and  there  were  many  positive  comments  about  this  valuable  community
 local  places  of  interest.    One  of  the  hardest   initiative.
 things  to  plan  was  the  route.    We  have  lots  of
 churches.    We  need  a  pub  for  lunch.    This  was
 the hardest part as so many pubs are closed on   Grants
       This  month  we    received  applications  from  Bere  Regis  Scout  Group  for  a  grant
 Our first church was Athelhampton.   This is a tiny   towards  the  cost of improving the facilities in  the kitchen in  the Scout Hut, and
 little church.  This church is not open to the public   from Bere Regis Youth Football who were looking for a grant towards the cost of
 all  the  time  and  special  arrangements  were   travel for a number of the youth football section to travel to Cerences in France.
 needed to get in.  The church is now used by an
 Orthodox  community.    We  were  greeted  by
 Lesley Harris who gave us a short talk about the   D Day Event
 church  and  its  community.    It  serves  the  rural   The Beacon will be lit at 9.15pm on
 Dorset  Area  and  the  community  comprises  of   Thursday 6  June to commemorate
 many  different  nationalities  who  meet  there  once  a  month.    The  orthodox   the  80   Anniversary  of  D-Day.
 Christians are the original Christian religion.  The catholic church broke away first   Before that the Bell Ringers will play
 and then later the church of England broke away and since then there has been   to  mark  the  occasion  and  then
 many  other  Christian  religions.    It  was  fascinating  to  see  the  icons  and  the   there will be hot drinks served in the
 differences and yet similarities in this church to our traditional churches.   Scout  Hut  following  the  lighting  of

    Our next church was to St Mary the Virgin at   the  Beacon.  All  are  welcome  to
 Puddletown.    A  village  we  tend  to  bypass   join this occasion.
 now but has strong links to the Martyn family
 of  Athelhampton  House.    Nearby  Islington
 house  was  given  to  Margaret  on  her   Village Meeting
 marriage to William Walpole who went on to   Our  village  meeting  will  be  held  on  Saturday  20   July  in  the  Scout  Hut.  At  this
 become  a  Prime  Minister  of  England.    The   event we hope to discuss more about our plans for progressing the Community
 church  has  wonderful  features,  a  12    Hall  development,  we  will  hear  from  DWT  about  their  exciting  plans  at  Wild
 Century font, wooden horse box pews and a   Woodbury,  we  will  show  the  proposed  updates  to  the  Neighbourhood  Plan
 very  high  pulpit  so  the  priest  can  see  the   Review,  plus  we  will  have more  detailed  analysis  of  the  traffic  survey  responses
 congregation.        There  is  a  minstrel  gallery   and what next steps we can take.
 and  a  chapel  for  the  resting  place  of  the
 Martyn  family  and  their  monkey  Mascots.
 This  church  was used  for  the interiors  of  the   Next Meeting
 1967 film Far from the Madding Crowd and
 for  the  tower  gargoyle  which  was  seen  in   The next meeting will be held on Thursday 13  June 2024 commencing 7pm at the
 the film destroying Fanny Robin’s grave.     Village  Hall.  If  you  wish  to  have  an  item  added  to  the  agenda  for  discussion,
       please contact the Clerk or a member of the Parish Council before the 1  June.

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