Page 31 - BR June 2024 with duck - converted
P. 31

June  2024                            June 2024

 church.    After  his  death  the      Thick-legged flower beetle
 building  was  replaced  by
 more modest slabs.  It is hard   The thick-legged flower beetle is a
 enough  to  maintain  a  grave   stunning  emerald,  green  beetle,
 let alone a Mausoleum.   less  than  a  centimetre  long.  The
       males  have  swollen  legs,  giving
 Our  June  meeting  will  be  a   t h e m   t h e i r    u n mi s t a k a b l e
 complete  contrast  as  we   appearance.  The  beetles  are
 meet  on the 80  anniversary   quite  common  and  favour  the
 of the D Day invasion and it is   open  structured  flowers  such  as
 thought  we  should  have  a   dandelions  and  ox-eye  daisies.
 special  tea  to  mark  the   Their  diet  is  made  up  of  pollen  from  such  flowers,  and  they  are  typical  of
 occasion  We  will  decorate   meadows,  so  it  is  lovely  to  see  this  species  doing  so  well  in  a  newly  created
 the  hall  with  flags  and  have   haven.
 a  band  called  “Music  craft”
 who  will  sing  some  Glenn      Cinnabar moth
 Miller classics and other old war time favourites.  We will also have a look back at
 the time when our village was at War and the Americans were here.   When  it  comes  to  moths,  they  don’t  get  more
                                 striking than the gorgeous black and red Cinnabar
 If anyone has any documents items and memories of that time please bring them   moth.  Both  the  adults  and  the  caterpillars  feature
 along we will be having a small exhibition about life in the 2  world war.  There is   aposematic  colouration:  bright  colours  to  warn
 not a great deal of information.   We forget how after five years of war people,   predators  that  they  are  often  unpalatable.  The
 were so hard pressed they did not keep many mementoes and it was a much as   caterpillars  feed  on  ragwort  and  are  stripy  black
 most people could do to just get by with rationing no television black outs etc..    and yellow. I suspect we will see a lot of these in the
 Hopefully we will manage a non rationing tea but useful to remember how short   upcoming months.
 food was at that time.

 Please be at the Scout hut at 2.30 p.m for entertainment and Tea.   This will be a   Fleabane tortoise beetle
 nostalgic and fun afternoon.
       At  first  glance,  you  would  be
       forgiven for mistaking this beetle
       for  a  ladybird.  They  are  a  rusty
       red  colour  with  black  markings
 Quality Tax and   down  their  back.  The  adults
 KingsBere   Accounting   feed on the leaves of fleabane,
       a  lovely  plant  with  buttery
       yellow  flowers.  Since  fleabane
 Accountants   For professional advice, dealing with all   favours  wetter  ground,  it  is  no
       surprise that we are seeing a lot
 aspects of accounts and tax
       of  fleabane  across  the  site  and
       in turn an increasing number of fleabane tortoise beetles.
 Day and evening appointments available

       Painted lady
 Phone Debbie Scott FCCA, ATII on 01258 830304   The painted lady is a migratory butterfly which arrives in the UK in May from the
       desert  fringes of  Africa and  Asia. Some  years,  such  as  in 2022,  we  see  a larger

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