Page 5 - br-june-2021
P. 5

June 2021

       Taking the Long View

       I  love  it that  probably the  oldest  known
       image of  Christ  anywhere  in  the world  is
       from the Diocese of Salisbury and the floor
       of  a Roman villa at  Hinton St  Mary  in
       Dorset and  is  now  in the  British  Museum.
       The saints of Saxon Wessex are remembered around the Diocese in the names of
       places like St Aldhelm’s Head as well as in some of our ancient churches. On the
       ordination retreat  at  the  end  of  June the candidates go  in alternate years on  a
       little pilgrimage  to Old  Sarum,  the  site of  the  Norman cathedral,  and  to  the little
       church at Bemerton where George Herbert was briefly Rector for three years until
       his  death in 1633.  It  helps  to see the long view  of  this wonderful and  ancient
       Diocese especially when times are tough, as they are now. We can be confident
       in  God’s faithful and  providential  care.  We  do not  lose heart.  We  believe  in  the
       We  do not yet know   how we will come out   of  the pandemic.  There are
       opportunities as  well as  challenges  to  do  things different.  To help us  face the
       future as a Diocese, we have agreed a Mission and Pastoral Plan and are taking
       steps to manage the finances in relation to ministry and mission over the next four
       years.  How  this works  out will depend  on the success  of  the  Generous Giving
       campaign which   is planned  for  September.  The pandemic  has  shown  us  the
       importance  of  Church.  If  we believe Church matters enough the  finance  will
       follow  our  faith.  Those of  us  who can,  will want to  give  because  we believe  the
       Gospel of Jesus Christ, all the more so in a difficult time such as this.
       By the time I finish as Bishop of Salisbury at Cathedral Evensong on 3rd July I hope
       we will be free from the restrictions that have limited us for so long. With the rising
       concern  about  new variants,  that  cannot  be guaranteed.  We will have to see
       how the Government’s ‘road map’ unfolds. What we can be sure of is that God’s
       small miracle of  the Diocese  of  Salisbury  will  continue to be a lively  Christian
       witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. There is much to give thanks for and much to
       pray for.
       As the 78th Bishop of Salisbury it has been a privilege to serve with you for what in
       the long view  of  the  Diocese  is  a relatively  brief  ten  years.  Thank  you for the
       shared  ministry  of  our  life in Christ.  In that  lovely  simple prayer  of  Dag
       Hammarskjöld:  ‘For all that has been,  Thanks.  To  all that  will be,  Yes.’ Amen,
       Amen, Amen.

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