Page 28 - br-june-2021
P. 28

June 2021

         This being the AGM, the accounts for the year ended 31  March 2021 were signed
         off. Income for the year was £81,607 and expenditure was £86,423. The full set of
         accounts can be found on the Parish Council’s website.

         Neighbourhood Plan
         Cllrs Mathers and Ventham, together with the Clerk met representatives from the
         Drax Estate  to  discuss the  development sites  in  the  village.  You may  have  seen
         surveyors on the Back Lane and North Street sites in recent months. All the surveys
         have now  been  undertaken and  the  Estate are in  the process of  preparing the
         layouts for the sites. As soon as we are able to hold a Village Meeting, they have
         agreed to attend and put forward their proposals.

         Cycling on the boardwalks
         Complaints have been received regarding young people riding their bikes on the
         boardwalks.  Until now,  this has  not  been seen as  a problem.  However,  both
         boardwalks are narrow and  there  is  not  room  for cyclists  to  safely  pass someone
         walking  or  pushing a  pushchair.  We must now ask  that  all  cyclists dismount and
         push  their bikes  along the  boardwalks.  This is in  the interest  of  safety  and


         As all those of you who used this service before and during the Covid19 know, this
         is a vital service but  we are in danger of  losing it  unless more  volunteer  drivers
         come forward. You do not have to commit to regular trips; you need respond only
         when you are able to spare some time and you will get paid 45p per mile. Please
         contact Brenda House for more information on

         Next Meeting

         As was said at the start of this piece, we are hoping that the next meeting will be
         face  to face  and  back in  the Drax  Hall on Thursday  8 th  July.  At this time,  it is  not
         known what   guidelines will be put  in  place,  but it is highly  likely that  social
         distancing will still be on-going, and it will be necessary to wear facemasks. Whilst
         we would  love to see  everyone  there,  please remember  there will be limited
         capacity.  If you are thinking  of  attending,  please email the  Clerk in  advance  so
         we have an idea of numbers.
                                                                  Amanda Crocker

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