Page 30 - br-june-2021
P. 30

June 2021

          Of  course,  many other people,  organisations and  businesses  as well as  our
          community as a whole rose to the challenges created by the pandemic, but this
          report concentrates on what we as a council undertook.
          The Neighbourhood  Plan was  approved  in the Summer  of 2019,  but  not  much
          happened  until  early  in 2021,  when  planning consent  was sought for the  White
          Lovington site.  The planning  application  was  heard  by  Dorset  Council’s Eastern
          Area Planning Committee on Wednesday 7  April. Whilst the Neighbourhood Plan
          had specified approximately 12 dwellings on this site, the plan that was approved
          will allow  17 dwellings.  The  Parish  Council opposed  granting  the  application
          mainly on the grounds that an uplift of 42% in the number of dwellings was not in
          line  with  the  Neighbourhood  Plan.  The planning  Committee  nonetheless
          approved  the application  by  6  votes to 4.  Whilst  we  regret that  our objections
          were over-ruled, it is worth noting that if the Neighbourhood Plan had not been in
          place,  a developer  could  have  brought  forward  plans for  a development of  up
          to 30 houses on this site.

          On a personal note, I am giving up the chairmanship of Bere Regis Parish Council
          today after 12 years, which is far too long a period. I am sure the Council will elect
          a very able successor at the meeting which follows, who will refresh the priorities
          and set a new course.
          I  joined  the Parish  Council in  May  2006,  and  took over from  Jim  Parsons as
          chairman in 2009.  Please indulge me  if  I  list some of  the achievements  and
          highlights of  this council over the past decade.  Parish Councils  have  very  little
          power but they can exercise influence and take on work that would otherwise just
          not  happen.  May  I  make it  very clear that  it  has truly been  a team  effort  with
          every councillor playing his or her part in making these things happen.

          Play park  --The Bere Regis  Community

          Play Association  was created  in  January
          2011 to see  the  project through.  £42,500
          was  raised,  and  the  ‘Amizing Prack’  was
          opened  by  Annette  Brooks MP on 2nd
          March 2013.

          Souls Moor –  Souls Moor was  purchased
          by  the  council  from  the Grainger  Trust  in
          2012.  It  cost  £25,000,  and  much  of the
          money  was a  grant  from  Viridor’s  landfill tax credit fund.  We  are pleased  that
          Souls Moor,  with  the Elder Road  open green space has  enabled  us  to create  a
          superb local nature reserve.

          The Lengthsman   Scheme — This   scheme was promoted   in 2011  by  Dorset
          Council which undertook to part-fund it for 3 years. Those funds have long since

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