Page 33 - br-june-2021
P. 33

June 2021

              RECIPE OF THE MONTH

                  Thanks to our WI members for sharing their favourites

             Chicken Curry

             Most of the ingredients can usually be found in your store cupboard but I
             sometimes leave the odd one out if I don't have it.


             i  6 skinless chicken thighs

             i  Pinch of salt
             i  1/2 tsp dried mixed herbs
             i  1 chicken stoke cube
             i  1 clove of garlic

             i  2  cm  piece of  fresh  ginger
                thinly cut
             i  1 tbsp oil

             i  1 medium onion chopped
             i  1 tin chopped tomatoes
             i  30g butter
             i  1 heaped tbsp hot curry powder

             i  juice of 1/2 lemon
             i  2 tbsp desiccated coconut
             i  2 tbsp honey
             i  1tsp cornflour

             1.    Put 125ml of water in a pan with a lid and add the chicken thighs,
                   salt  and  herbs.  Next  crumble in  the stock  cube along with  the
                   ginger and garlic.

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