Page 25 - br-june-2021
P. 25

June 2021
       Summer in Dorset

       Over the Easter holiday DC was able to deliver 706 funded places at face-to-face
       activities (and  205 virtual  activity  places)  to children who were  eligible for free
       school meals.  We have had  a wonderful response from  the families who took
       Next  stop,  Summer  in Dorset!  We want as  many children to benefit from  this
       programme   as possible,  therefore,  we are planning a much larger,  more
       accessible,  and  more  exciting  6-week programme of  activities  over the  summer
       holidays.  We're currently  in  talks with many  existing  activity  providers,  voluntary
       organisations, and schools so that together we can deliver a brilliant programme
       of   enriching  activities,  nutritious  meals,  and  fun.  Please  contact for more info.


       We are not holding face to face meetings for the moment. However, we would
       be more than delighted to talk to you on the telephone or via Zoom. Please ring
       or  email us with  the subject matter  so  that  we  can prepare  ourselves.  Peter’s
       email address is telephone 07986 600799 and Laura’s is  telephone 07814 569563.
                         Peter Wharf & Laura Miller, Dorset Councillors for West Purbeck

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