Page 27 - br-june-2021
P. 27

June 2021

                      B BERE REGIS NEWS


       Chairman      Moira Mathers   07900

       Vice          Bryan            07969
       Chairman      Benjafield       770890

       Parish Clerk    Amanda         07855
                     Crocker          396076


        The Parish Council met  remotely via Zoom  on Thursday  6 th  May  2021  for the
        Annual Parish Meeting, immediately followed by the Annual General Meeting of
        the Parish Council. Two members of the public were present. The next meeting will
        be on Thursday  8 th  July  2021,  hopefully,  face  to face.  If  you wish  to join the
        meeting  or wish  to  send  in a question to be  read  out,  please contact the Clerk

        Chairman’s Annual Report
        Cllr  Ian  Ventham  read  his  report  to those  present.  A  full  copy  of  the  report is
        available on the website and it will be in the Parish Magazine. Normally, the report
        would  consist of  the events  of  the past  year.  However,  on this  occasion,  as  Cllr
        Ventham was standing down from the Chairmanship of the Council after 12 years
        at  the helm,  his  report covered  of  many  of  the various activities undertaken by
        the Parish Council during that period of time: from the Royal Wedding street party
        to  the completion of  the  Neighbourhood  Plan and  everything in  between.  A
        great  deal  has  been  achieved  during Ian’s  Chairmanship  and  we wish  him  well
        for the future, although he will remain a parish councillor for the time being.

        Election of Officers
        Cllr Moira Mathers was elected to the role of Chairman of the Parish Council with
        Cllr Bryan Benjafield continuing in the role of Vice Chairman. The remainder of the
        roles and responsibilities will be confirmed at the July meeting.

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