Page 24 - br-june-2021
P. 24

June 2021

         Four Council owned sites disposed of so far – realising

         The four sites were  sold  by  the  end  of  this  financial year in  March  with  another
         eight  or nine in preparation  for  sale.  The  four  have  been named  as  the  former
         Mountjoy  School site,  Bridport;  the  former  Norden  council offices at  Blandford;  St
         Martin’s at  Gillingham  and  Roman Road,  Weymouth. All are  expected  to be
         developed  for housing.  The  council has  also vacated  several  sites,  although in
         some cases  they were  leased,  rather than owned,  further  cutting costs.  These
         include  Furzehill,  the former East  Dorset  District  Council  headquarters  near
         Wimborne and   Princes House  in  Dorchester.  Two key south  Dorset  sites  are  still
         awaiting a decision – the former Weymouth and Portland HQ at North Quay and
         South Walks House in Dorchester which the council has said it will not be returning

         The Council owns 600 sites of  which  24  are  currently  occupied offices.  It  was
         always planned  to reduce  the number of  sites as a result  of  the merger  of  the
         councils  into one.  There will  be further  savings  and  rationalization because  of
         changing working practices accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

         Grid Power

         Grid Power to parts of Dorset, already difficult
         in  some areas,  could  get  worse in the future
         as  electric  networks come  under  greater
         pressure.  At  a  recent  meeting  Dorset
         councillors  were told  that  some of the
         county’s  industrial  estates are  already  at
         c a p a c i t y .  C o u n c i l l o r s  a g r e e d
         that suppliers will be asked to attend a future
         meeting  to explain  their  strategy,  current
         capacity problems and  how  they  hope to
         overcome    problem    in  some    areas.
         The committee   heard  that  the electricity
         networks  had  not  responded  to  the recent
         consultation on the revised  Dorset  Plan,
         although the meeting was told that whatever
         developments are   proposed  the  network
         providers  would  be  legally  obliged  to
         provide for  it.  There is the potential,  across
         the county,  for growth to  be held  back  in
         some areas by the lack of an adequate energy supply.

         Problem areas for supply are across the Dorset Council area but include, locally,
         Dorset Innovation Park and Holton Heath Trading Park.

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