Page 18 - br-june-2020
P. 18

June 2020                                                                           June 2020

                                                                                            This  was  all  going  swimmingly  as  they  say  but  what  would  we  do  for  the  long
       NEWS FROM WESTMINSTER  -  VIRTUALLY                                                  winter  months?  Step  forward  Sergeant  Martin  Ord  from  the  Junior  Leader
                                                                                            Regiment  at  Bovington  Camp.  I  had  known  Martin  for  a  few  years  as  I  had

        Last month I mentioned that Parliament was about                                    brought my Bridport Water Polo team to Bovington to help him with the training
        to become a partially virtual Parliament, with much                                 of  his  Junior  Leader  Team  which  went  on  to  win  the  national  Junior  Leader
        of  the  proceedings  online.  That  process  has  now                              Championships. As a favour Martin offered me the use of the Junior Leader Pool
        started,  and  we  have  a  hybrid  system.  In  order  for                         for a number of years. Trouble was that no one in authority knew we were there
        these  changes  to  be  implemented,  the  House  of                                every Saturday afternoon until one day the RSM turned up unannounced. From
        Commons  returned  after  Easter  and  formally                                     then on we had to pay for the pool hire but at least we were officially on the
        approved  using  remote  technology  for  some                                      books! You just wouldn’t think of doing that today!
        Parliamentary  business,  including  Urgent  Questions,                             I am delighted to say that the club to this day still maintains its core value which is
        and  questioning  of  ministers,  including  Prime                                  to teach children to swim. We are one of only a very few clubs left in the whole
        Ministers’ Questions.                                                               country  with  a  ‘learn  to  swim’  ethos  and  I  hope  this  will  never  change.  It  is
        Up  to  50  MPs  can  be  physically  present  in  the                              wonderful seeing a child takes its first unaided strokes. It is still the only sport which
        Chamber of the House – maintaining social distancing – or be remote, via Zoom.      has the potential to save lives. Socially it is a great asset and a wonderful skill to
        The Mace has to be on the table for Parliament to be allowed to sit, so it is still   learn.
        used, and the Speaker or Deputy Speaker sits in his (or her) chair as usual.  Due to   Over  the  years  we  have
        hard work behind the scenes, you can still watch what is happening online, or on    taught  not  only  swimming
        the Parliament channel. I have been physically present in the House for some of     but mini water polo, diving,
        the sittings, but like most MPs I have also been working from home. I was also      synchronised   swimming
                                                                 part   of   the            and  a  little  life-saving.  We
                                                                 vital testing for
                                                                                            have  taken  part  in  many
                                                                 getting  virtual
                                                                                            friendly  galas  with  other
                                                                 B    i   l   l
                                                                                            Dorset clubs. We are never
                                                                                            going  to  beat  the  more
                                                                 u p      a n d
                                                                                            competitive  clubs  but  our
                                                                 running – this is
                                                                                            children  have  great  fun  in
                                                                 where     MPs
                                                                                            tr yi n g .   Al s o ,   gr e at
                                                                 can  scrutinise
                                                                                            friendships   have   been
                                                                 legislation  line          forged through the swimming club, some that have lasted a lifetime.
                                                                 by  line  before
                                                                 they      are              Of  course  over  44  years  we  have  had  the  support  of  our  brilliant  swimming
                                                                 made      into             teachers  and committee  members.  These  have  come  mostly  from  our  parents
                                                                 law.                       who  have  shown  great  commitment  to  the  club.  In  recent  years  we  have
                                                                                            developed  our  club  helpers  who  have  come  from  the  ranks  of  our  senior
                                                                 We  are  now               swimmers.  This  has  been hugely  successful,  not  only helpful  to  our  teachers  on
        also able to vote remotely, following careful and rigorous testing. It is important   poolside,  but  also  developing  our  young  people  for  the  future.  We  like  to  feel
        that  only  elected  MPs  vote  on  the  laws  which  govern  this  country,  and  the   that  we  have  something  special  in  our  club.  With  our  current  chairman  Alan
        National  Cyber  Security  Centre  have  been  consulted  to  make  sure  this  is  the   White  and  his  committee  (I  am  still  a  member),  we  will  I  am  sure  continue  to
        case.  We  are  expecting  our  first  official  vote  this  evening  –  so  far  testing  has
        been  limited  to  questions  like  “This  House  believes  that  spring  is  better  than   provide excellent swimming teaching in a happy and safe environment.
        autumn”.                                                                            When this current crisis is over we will be back at the Purbeck Pool in Wareham
                                                                                            on Saturday evenings. We can’t wait!
        Of  course,  like  the  rest  of  the  country,  the  virtual  sittings  of  Parliament  are  not
        without  their  technical  glitches.  Connection  issues  and  slow  broadband  are                                                             Bob Holman

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