Page 32 - July2023
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July 2023                                                                           July 2023
        Contact Us                                                                          BERE REGIS HISTORY SOCIETY

        If you would like to know more about the work of the  Wildlife and Environment
        Group or to be included on our e-mailing list, please contact:

        Tony Bates at /  01929 471563 or                              The Oldest Finds at Bere
        Mike Gee at mike.n.g@outlook./com / 0775 988 4942.                                  There  are  two  types  of  items  found  in  and  around  Bere
                                                                                            Regis,  both  of  which  are  millions  of  years  old.  The  first
                                                                                            consists  of  various  types  of  geology  where  rocks  of
                                                                                            different  varieties  are  found  nearby.  These  are  alien  to
                                                  GARDENING CLUB                            what is normal here and are typically granite, pink-marble
                                                                                            and other types of volcanic rock. Less than a metre down
                                                                                            in the  north part  of the  parish  is a  layer of chalk  which  is  over  300m  deep.  This
                                                                                            means  that  it  was  once  on  a  sea  bed  where  this  Calcium  Carbonate  built  up
                                     The Garden club is in summer outing mode.  The         through millions of years of dead sea life.
                                     June visit was a very special day not a garden                                                     The  next  oldest  thing  that  we
                                     as such but an 800 acre wildlife centre in West                                                    find  here  are  fossils,  also
       Dorset.    Tony Bates had arranged this trip for us at the Kingcombe Centre with                                                 millions  of  years  old.  The  most
       the Dorset Wildlife Trust.    It was a glorious sunny afternoon, a bit warm but with the                                         common  things  found  are
       occasional puff of breeze.  Members had been advised to dress for the weather                                                    wood  or  sections  of  trees
       and for walking on country paths.                                                                                                usually  already  broken  into

                                          This was a trip to darkest Dorset.  No Maps                                                   pieces   perhaps    several
                                          needed  as  we  have  Google.    We  found
                                          our  way  there  through  Maiden  Newton                                                      biggest  number  of  fossil  finds
                                          and  then  taking  a  turning  left  to  Toller                                               are  sea  creatures,  typically
                                          Porcorum. We treated to stunning views of                                                     consisting   of   sea-urchins,
                                          Dorset  as  we  dropped  down  into  the                                                      sponges,  shell-fish  and  sea-
                                          valley to a part of Dorset I had not visited                                                  slugs.  Much  rarer  are  fossilised
                                          before.    We  drove  down  ever  narrowing                                                   teeth  and  we  were  lucky  to
                                          lanes  admiring  the  wild  flowers,  cottages                                                find  an  excellent  example  in
                                          until  at  last  there  was  a  sign  to  the                                                 November  2022  not  far  from
                                          Kingcombe Centre.                                       Several fossils found near Bere Regis   the  village.  While  it  was  still
                                                                                                                                        covered  in  mud  it  looked  just
                                                                                                                                        like  a  conical  piece  of  flint.
       When  I  got  there  early  arrivers  were                                           When we got it back and cleaned it, the 35mm long tooth had cutting serrations
       sitting  in  the  shade  with  smiles  and                                           in  a  line  longitudinally  and  also  in  five  parallel  lines  small  indentations  in  the
       drinks.  Tony gave us a brief history of                                             fossilised dentine, all about 1mm apart.
       the  Centre  and  we  were  introduced
       to  the  Wildlife  wardens  Harriet  and                                                                                         John Pitfield, Projects Secretary
       Daisy.    Those  of  us  who  had  the
       energy and inclination walked a short
       way  to  view  some  of  the  wildlife
       meadows.    These are grazed by farm
       animals.    There  were  masses  of

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