Page 34 - July2023
P. 34

July 2023                                                                           July 2023
       CITIZENS ADVICE                                                                     BERE REGIS THOSE BYGONE DAYS

                                                                                            a Photographic Exhibition
       Package Holidays
                                                                                            (A trip down memory lane seen through the lens of a camera)
       We’ve booked a package holiday abroad, but after a
       friend’s recent terrible experience when things went wrong on a similar trip, we
       are wondering what help is available if something similar should happen to us?                                                        This  will  be  a  fantastic
       Hopefully  you’ll  have  a  lovely  time  but  if  something  does  go  wrong  with  your                                             photo  Exhibition  of  Old
       package holiday, the Citizens Advice website has lots of information about what                                                       Bere  Regis  on  Saturday
       to do and what compensation you may be eligible for.                                                                                  28   October  at  the
                                                                                                                                             Village  Hall  in  North
       Firstly, tell the company or travel agent you booked with as soon as possible. This                                                   Street  between  10am  -
       way  you’re  more  likely  to  be  able  to  get  it  sorted  quicker.  If  you  don’t  say                                           6pm
       anything until you get home, you might get less or no compensation at all.
                                                                                                                                             Mark    Bennett    has
       If  your  holiday  trip  turned  out  to  be  lower  in  value  than  the  one  you  originally                                       specially  produced  two
       booked you can make a claim for ‘loss of value’. For example, if you paid for a                                                       brilliant souvenir booklets
       deluxe room but only got a standard one, and it wasn't sorted out at the time you
       can  claim  back  the  difference  in  value.  You  can  also  claim  compensation  for
       any extra money you have to spend while away; for example the hotel was a bus
       ride away from the beach rather than across the road as advertised. This is called
       claiming for ‘out-of-pocket expenses’. If this does happen make sure you keep all
       your tickets or receipts for things like bus journeys.                               of  this  exhibition  and
                                                                                            they  will  be  on  sale.
       If big parts of the trip you booked didn’t happen, or services weren’t provided -    Many  photos  from  Mark
       for example a planned two-day excursion was cancelled and no alternative was         and Pauls collections will
       organised - you can make a claim for ‘loss of enjoyment’. You can also make this     take  you  on  a  journey
       claim if something happens that causes you distress or disappointment, such as       back in  time  to  the Bere
       the pool was closed for the whole of your stay. Note there’s no strict guidance on   Regis  of  yester  year
       how much you can claim for loss of enjoyment but any claim you make must be

       However, you can’t get compensation if you simply didn’t enjoy the holiday or if
       the problem was out of the holiday company’s control - like bad weather. Check
       the  information  you received when  you  made  the booking  to see  what  you’re
       supposed to get. If you don’t get the service you’ve been promised, you may be
       entitled to compensation for breach of contract. You might also be able to claim
       from your travel insurance – check if your policy covers this.                                                                    when  the  horses  and  carts
       If you’re still not sure what to do, call the Citizens Advice consumer helpline 0808                                              travelled  the  roads  and
       223  1133  or  our  general  Adviceline  0800  144  8848  between  10am  and  4pm                                                 bread  was  baked  in  the
       Monday  to  Friday,  or  check  local  office  opening  times  at  https://                                                       village.                                                                                                           There  will  be  a  Raffle  and
                                                                                                                                         Refresh men ts    an d   a

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