Page 10 - July2023
P. 10

July 2023                                                                           July 2023

       Affpuddle at 10am.  It is led by a Lay Worship Leader, mainly Mike Menzies.  It has
       all the usual elements of a service (except communion), hymns, readings, prayers                                              Quality Tax and
       and  a  reflection  and  sometimes  discussion,  followed by  refreshments.    The  next
       one will be Sunday 9  July, 10am.  We do hope you give this new venture a try            KingsBere                               Accounting
       and support Mike and all our Lay Worship Leaders in this valuable ministry.
                                                                                               Accountants                      For professional advice, dealing with all
       Help please!                                                                                                                  aspects of accounts and tax
       Both churches could do with additional help on some of their rotas.  Particularly                                        Day and evening appointments available
       cleaning in St John the Baptist and mowing in St Laurence’s.
       If you can offer any time, please do get in touch with either Rev Sandra or Sarah
       or  Mike  the  churchwardens.    All  our  details  are  on  the  inside  cover  of  this      Phone Debbie Scott FCCA, ATII on 01258 830304
       magazine.  Thank you.                                                                                  

       And in the Benefice…

       Benefice Messy Church
                                                                                               When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw their
       We  are  taking  a  break  for  July  and  August  and  will  return  on  Sunday  24
       September, 4pm at Holy Rood, Wool.                                                     advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the effectiveness of
       You can get more information by contacting Rev Sandra.                                     their advert and helps us generate more advertising revenue!!

       There are five Sundays in July and so, as is usual
       in this benefice, there will just be one service on
       Sunday  30   July  when  we  all  come  together
       from  across  the  parishes.    The  service  of
       communion  is  at  10:30am  in  God’s  Pocket,
       which  is  in  the  centre  of  Chaldon  Herring,  this
       year  The  Bishop  of  Salisbury,  The  Right  Revd
       Stephen Lake, will be leading the service.   It is a
       beautiful  setting,  especially  if  the  weather  is  as
       good  as  last  year.    During  the  whole  weekend
       Tractor  Rides  will  be  running  from  the  same
       place which take in our lovely Purbeck Coast.

       Friday Benefice Walks
       Do you enjoy walking?  This year from March until October, we are organising a
       walk on the fourth Friday of the month.  Some walks will be shorter than others, but
       everyone is very welcome, including dogs.

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