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July 2022                                                                           July 2022
       VILLAGE HALL NEWS                                                                   an  expression  of  great  joy  and  rejoicing,  and  a  good  reason  to  have  a  party,
                                                                                           especially when it is the 70  Platinum Anniversary of the Queen!
       Well we said we’d party once covid was over and                                     Most people see it as a secular event, but originally it was based on God’s order
       although it isn’t over there is a general feeling that                              for His world. Every seventh year the land was to be left uncultivated, and God
       we’ve done what we can now and it’s time to find                                    promised that if the people allowed the land to rest on the seventh year, then He
       a new normal and make those decisions ourselves                                     would cause the land to yield a triple portion in the sixth year, to provide enough
       rather than be told by government what to do and                                    food during the seventh year and also for the eighth year until that year’s harvest
       so a once in history moment comes along and her                                     was ready.  This was a test of people’s faith in God and of their obedience to His
       majesty  queen  Elizabeth  11  has  been  our  reigning  monarch  for  70  years.  The   word.  After there had been seven cycles of seven years (49 years) the 50  year
       longest reign in our history and only the second longest ever globally. Can’t let   was a special Year of Jubilee, when all slaves were set free, debts were cancelled
       that one pass by and so party we did. It was marvellous to see virtually the whole   and land returned to its original owners.
       community come together in one way or another and for the village hall to play
       a  key  role  in  he  midst  of  the  celebrations.  4  days  of  events  culminating  in  a   We  might  think  that  would  be  good  to  have  all  debts  cancelled,  if  we  owed
       thanksgiving service in the peace garden at Affpuddle church.                       money, but the people bought and sold land, and prices were fixed according to
                                                                                           how many years remained before the next Jubilee year.  Perhaps that was God’s
                                                     The hall was buzzing from the         social security system!
                                                     moment  the  bunting  started
                                                     going  up  right  through  to         As  I  was  thinking  about  the  Jubilee  I  was  reminded  that  I  had  had  a  special
                                                     Sunday morning with a group           Jubilee date of my own on 11  April, just a few weeks earlier.  It was a Platinum
                                                     of  us  tidying  up.  A  huge         Jubilee  as  well,  seventy  years  since  I  became  a  Christian  when  I  was  living  in
                                                     thanks  to  everyone  who             London. (That dates  me!)  I don’t mean that I joined a church but rather that I
                                                     helped  in  anyway,  another          had an encounter with Jesus.  I knew that I needed His forgiveness for all the times
                                                     huge thank  you  to the  social       I had lived life my own way, and I just asked Him to forgive me and to come and
                                                     club for running the bar for so       take control of my life, so that in the future I would do whatever He asked  and go
                                                     many  hours  in  such  a  short       wherever He led me.
                                                     space of time and at once in
                                                     a lifetime prices as well.            Did that mean that from that time forward life would be a bed of roses, and all
                                                                                           my problems would cease?  Not at all.  ‘Life’ affects all of us, with its mixture of
                                                     Another thing that made it so         circumstances,  problems,  good  times  and  difficult  times.  My  husband  Ray
                                                     special   was    all   the            became ill for four years before he died three years ago, and during that time I
                                                     organisations  and  individuals       was diagnosed with cancer.  But whatever has happened through all those years
                                                     gave  freely,  no  one  made          I  have  known  God’s  love  and  peace,  and  His  guidance,      You  too  can  know
       any  profit  from  anything  over  the  jubilee  celebrations,  it  was  all  about  a)   God’s peace and love if you commit your life to Him and then continue to trust
       celebrating a platinum jubilee and b) and possibly more importantly in the long     Him through the ups and downs of daily life.
       run coming together and giving to one another as a community. I for one, and I
       hope you are too, am proud to be a part of this place.                              The Queen spoke the following words in her Christmas broadcast in 2011.  “God
                                                                                           sent into the world a unique person – neither a philosopher nor a general, but a
       Putting my money raising hat on again. Don’t forget the hall is available for one   Saviour, with power to forgive.  Forgiveness lies at the heart of the Christian faith.
       off events, birthdays, weddings, etc as well as for regular weekly, monthly events.   It can heal broken families, it can restore friendships and it can reconcile divided
       Looking for a venue? Think village hall.                                            communities. It is in forgiveness that we feel the power of God’s love.  In the last
                                                                                           verse of the beautiful carol “O little town of Bethlehem” there is a prayer: O Holy
              Stuart Chorley, Chairman of Briantspuddle Village Hall , Phone 07818078191   Child  of  Bethlehem:  descend  on  us  we  pray;  Cast  out  our  sin  and  enter  in;  be
                                                      Email           born  in  us  today.    It  is  my  prayer  that  we  might  find  room  in  our  lives  for  the
                                                                                           message of the angels, and for the love of God through Christ our Lord”.

        Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:

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