Page 86 - br-july-2022
P. 86

July 2022                              July 2022


       After two years, in which it wasn’t possible due to Covid 19 - The Annual Bladen
       Social Club Horticultural Show will once again take place.  This year on Saturday
 Sundays 10.30am  Morning Service, Taken by visiting preachers, or our full   6  August.
 time Youth Worker, John Williams.   There  will  be  the  usual  classes  for  entries  of  Vegetables,  Flowers,  Flower
  Our services also go out live on You Tube   arrangements,  Cakes,  preserves,  handicrafts  and  children’s  cakes  and
 Mondays at 7pm  STS (Search the Scriptures) Youth meeting, via zoom.   handicrafts.
 Tuesdays at 7.30pm  Bible Study and Prayer, meeting on zoom.   Show  schedules  will  be  available  in  July,  delivered  to  your  door  if  you  live  in
 Wednesdays at 9.30am Chapel Toddler Group,  contact Suzie on   Affpuddle,  Briantspuddle  and  Throop,  from  the  Briantspuddle  community  shop,
 0796214255   the  Saturday  Coffee shop at  the  village  hall  or  from the Bladen  Social  Club on
       Saturday and Monday evenings in July.
 We at Bere Regis Chapel are excited to host a team of American Bible College
 Students on a cultural exchange trip.  They will be with us from July 2 -11 , and   Details  of  future  events  will  be  found  in  this  magazine,  the  parish  website
 the trip will include working alongside the Church in its daily activities, as well as and on Parish notice boards soon as details are finalised.
 assisting in some special events.  One particular event will be a family fun day on
 Saturday 9  July, from midday until 4pm.  This will be held at Bere Regis Scout Hut,   Peter Talbot , Secretary
 on Elder Road, and is open to all. Activities will include a bouncy castle, BBQ, face
 painting, beat the goalie, live music and much more. We’d love to see you join us
 Well  what  a  feast  we  have  had   VILLAGE SHOP
 with   the   Queen’s   Jubilee
 celebrations!      A  weekend  of
 events including the service from St   Summer in the village shop is a time of much fresh fruit
       and vegetables. Strawberries and raspberries a plenty.
       Always fresh in on Wednesday’s and Saturdays.
       I thought this month I would remind you of the many
       local artists who supply the shop with unique cards at
       incredibly  reasonable  prices.  Lots  of  very  different
       subjects  and  styles  you’re friends  and families  will not
       receive the same card from anyone else. Its great that
       local  artists can  be  supported in this way  and in turn
       support the shop. Of course if you too are an artist and
       would like to supply the shop with your cards please let us know. Always happy to
 Paul’s Cathedral, and concluding with the
 final  concert  in  front  of  Buckingham   include more.
 Palace.    And  it  was  so  good  to  see  our   We have recently welcomed some new volunteers to the shop rota but there’s
 own village celebrations well attended on   always change and we’re always looking so if you have some spare time, we’d
 the Saturday.  Such a shame it rained on   love you to get involved. It is a great way to get involved in the village and meet
 Sunday.   people.  And  if  working  in  the  shop  itself  is  not  your  thing  there  are  lots  of
       opportunities  for  collecting  and  delivering  –  Its  good  to  have  a  large  team  to
 The word ‘Jubilee’ has to do with a special
 anniversary,  resulting  in  a  jubilant  feeling,   spread the load and you might only be available to call on in emergency but all

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