Page 83 - br-july-2022
P. 83

July 2022                                                                           July 2022
       PURBECK CONNECT UKRAINE                                                              BERE HEATH METHODIST

       Henry Hogger writes:-
       Parish  residents  may  be  interested  in  the                                      “Time waits for nobody” so to speak as we embark soon
       establishment  of  a  new  organization,                                             on a new month July.
       Purbeck Connect Ukraine (PCU), under the
       auspices  of  Swanage  Action  for  Refugees,                                        We  had  a  good  Jubilee  Afternoon  tea  on  Sunday  5
       of  which  I’ve  been  a  member  for  some                                          June  which  was  preceded  by  a  service  led  by  our
       time.                                                                                Superintendent  Minister  Rev  John  Yarrien  and  Peter
                                                                                            Jenner.  Twenty  folk  tucked  into  sandwiches,  sausages  rolls,  scones,  jam  and
       PCU report that a steady flow of Ukrainian refugeess are already finding their way   cream  followed  by  an  abundance  of  cakes  and  teas  and  coffees.  It  was
       to Purbeck.  The organization’s aim is to provide assistance to Ukrainian arrivals,   wonderful.
       and support for actual and potential host families.
                                                                                            Our coming events in July are :
       PCU don’t  yet have  their own  website;  but  more  details, including a  newsletter
       describing their current and planned activities, can be accessed via the website     Sunday 3  July at 2pm -   Monthly service led by the Rev Steph Jenner,  a recent
       for  Help  and  Kindness,  a  government-supported  charity  dealing  with  Ukrainian   former  minister  of  Bere  Heath  Methodist  Church.  Refreshments  served  after  the
       refugees  nationally.    See        service. All our welcome.
       Purbeck-Connect-Ukraine: and scroll down via “more information” to “our news         Saturday 23  July – Craft and Kids – 2.30pm to 3.45pm. Crafts for Children along
       services”.                                                                           with cake and  a drink . Tea/coffee for  Adults and chat. Relaxed afternoon with
       PCU say that through contacts they have in both Poland and Ukraine itself, they      plenty of fun and mess.
       are “constantly receiving” requests from Ukrainians wishing to come to Purbeck;
       and are keen to hear from prospective hosts willing to take families or individuals.
       Specifically,  they  are  currently  looking  for  a  host  for  one  man  in  Wareham  or   Advance Notice
       Wool.                                                                                Saturday 13  August -  County Fair- 2pm - 4pm
                                                                                            Tea’s and crafts  / bring and buy /cake sale. This is an event for all the family as
                                                                                            the crafts are for children, parents can join in. This is one of the main Fundraisers
                                                                                            for the Church which helps to keep the church going. Please come along on the
                                                                                            day and support us if you can.  If you can donate cakes, have things for the bring
                                                                                            and  buy  please  contact  Mrs  Jackie  Morgan  on  01929  472283.  Thank  you  in
                                                                                            We look forward to welcoming you to either of our Services, Craft and Kids  and
                                                                                            County Fair.

                                                                                                                                           Peter Jenner – Lay Worker –
                                                                                                              Children and Families & Outreach & part of Ministerial Team.

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