Page 87 - br-july-2022
P. 87

July 2022                                                                           July 2022

       help is appreciated.                                                                 I wonder, why are we surprised? Out of the most difficult of circumstances come
                                                                                            problems,  conflicts,  shortages  and  challenges.  We  learn  more  about  ourselves.
       It’s  a  good  time  to  mention  the  youngsters  who  work  in  the  shop.  We  have  4   We learn more about reality and about the human condition.
       young  people  who  share  between  them  the  Saturday  and  Sunday  shifts.  It’s  a
       great  opportunity  for  your  first  experience  of  work  and  really  helps  to  develop   And yet, we also learn that we have the power to provide vaccinations, we have
       confidence. The relationships built during this time last way beyond the time they   the power to fund recovery, we have the power to change our communities, we
       work  in  the  shop.  We  also  have  4  youngsters  who  between  them  deliver  the   even have the power to blunt aggression. Its’s all about choices.
       papers on Saturdays and Sundays. We employ young people up to the age of 18
       –  when  they  can  then  choose  to  volunteer  which  I’m  pleased  to  say  some  do   What a powerful thing to have choice. So many people in our world do not have
       when  their  work,  college,  life  allows.  If  you  know  someone  who  might  be   that. We have choice in the Diocese of Salisbury.
       interested please let us know.                                                       As your Bishop, I am not prepared to preside over petty differences in the name
                            The  shop  is  thrilled  to  have  been  able  to  support  the   of choice. We have a privilege, and we need to use it for the common good. It is
                            selling of the parish jubilee mug. If you haven’t got yours     a shared responsibility. It is what the Gospel of Jesus Christ calls us to. As someone
                            yet  we  will  be  selling  until  “limited”  stocks  are  gone.  At   always  said  to  me  (and  they  were  from  this  diocese),  with  privilege,  comes
                            £10  each  these  are  a  unique  memento  of  this  unique     responsibility.
                            jubilee celebration.                                            We  cannot  deny  in  this  country  that  we  are  privileged.  The  scandal  is  when
                            Thank you for continuing to support our Village shop.           people fall through that net. Too many of our brothers and sisters in our society are
                                                                                            struggling.  And  yet,  just  look  at  the  poverty  and  still  the  glorious  witness  of  our
                            To  place  an  order  please  contact  us  on  01929  472000    brothers and sisters in the Sudans. We have much to live up to.
                            d u r i n g    o p e n i n g   h o u r s    a n d    b y    e m a i l
                   You can collect or we’re          Our sometimes-petty differences give me concern. Whose work are they? When I
                            happy to deliver.                                               received the call to be your Bishop, my first thought (after blind panic) was ‘What
                                                                                            is really important?’
              Ali Chorley, Chair, The friends of Briantspuddle post office and village shop
                                                                                            What is really important is our faith. Faith that God in Christ has our back. The only
                                                                                            problem that gets in the way of his love, is when we turn our back on Him in the
                                                                                            name of our own failures.
       JUBILEE CELEBRATION NEWS                                                             God is love, and those who live in love, live in God, and God lives in them. 1 John
                                                                                            Bishop Stephen
       The Parish of Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle (Including
       Briantspuddle, Throop, Waddock Cross and Pallington
       Heath) celebrate Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee.

       And didn’t we do it well!
       Starting on Thursday 2  June with the lighting of the beacon. Around 100 people
       gathered  in  the  garden  of  Throop  House  (cutesy  of  Vivi  and  Alec)  for  a  BBQ.
       Campbell de Burgh and his bagpipes led the procession from the garden through
       Throop across the road and up the hill where our beacon, made by Mike Menzies
       was lit. Conjuring up an atmosphere that could have been medieval. From where
       our beacon was, we could see the Beacons that had been lit in the distance.
       Celebrations continued on Friday with a Ceilidh in the village hall. Many partook
       in  the  dancing  which  was  led  by  Rainbarrow.  A  great  supper  was  provided  by

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