Page 89 - br-july-2022
P. 89

July 2022                                                                           July 2022


       We have replaced the Jubilee Bench
       at  Bat  Willow  Bridge  at  Throop  (see
       attached).  The  Diamond  Jubilee
       bench  was  made  of  Sycamore  and
       did not last the full 10 years. However,
       this  new  Platinum  Jubilee  bench  is
       made  from Oak  and  so we  are  more
       optimistic.  Many  of  the  local  dog
       walkers are looking forward to having
       a rest on the bench whilst the dogs play in the river. I will need to trim the foliage
       on the adjacent shrubbery to give a fine view of the river.


       The  Moreton  Fund,  registered  charity  number  306227,  provides  funds  for  young
       people from Moreton and Affpuddle to meet the costs of their education, training
       and career start-up.
       “We know that young people are really concerned about funding the next stage
       in their lives” says Richard Frampton-Hobbs, Chair of the trust fund “so if we can
       help we will.”
       Richard notes that young people starting work, training or an apprenticeship, or
       continuing in education, are discouraged by huge expenses in the next year or
       The Moreton Fund, working name of the William Frampton Educational Trust, gives
       awards of up to £1000 to young people to help with the cost of training, travel,
       purchase of equipment to help them move to the next stage in their lives.
       The applicants must be resident in the parishes of Moreton or Affpuddle - which
       also covers Waddock Cross, Briantspuddle and Throop.

       Richard says “We made a number of grants last year and expect to do the same
       this year.“
       Grants are usually awarded in early September (but can be considered on a one-
       off basis throughout the year) and to apply check out  the facebook page for the
       William Frampton Educational Foundation or email

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