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July 2020
                 SMALL ADS                                                                                                  July 2020
                                                                                           together to toll 72 times at 6pm in honour and remembrance of the lost.
         TREE SURGEONS           Improve Strength,        Sharon Dobson                    I was so pleased and grateful to Rev Sandra and Adrian for being happy to do it
        Felling/pruning/shredding/  Balance, Mobility       Handmade                       so our church could take part.
          35 years experience,       and Health          Find out how I can help you       Anyone  interested  in  supporting  the  Grenfell  community  when  the  Silent  Walk
        City & Guilds qualified, fully   Join one of my exercise   transform the look of your   resumes each month on the 14th or wishes to follow events in general please see
               insured,                                          home.                     their Facebook page Grenfell United.
        Tree Works Application on   classes in Wool, Winfrith,   Bespoke handmade curtains
                                    Briantspuddle or                                       I  regularly  attend  the  Silent  Walk  so  if  anyone  from  our  community  needs
              your behalf                                 and alterations, Roman
                                       Lulworth                                            information about attending do get in touch.
        Mike and Emma Lucy Menzies                        blinds, soft furnishings and
           THE ELM BRANCH          Contact Elaine on        upholstery projects                                                                     Simon Goddard.

            Tel: 01929 471263       01929 462916
            Mob: 07419312517                              07960 459834
                Email:               07967 203581
                                                                                           RESUMPTION OF MOWING ROTA FOR
                                                                                           AFFPUDDLE CHURCHYARD IN JULY 2020

                                   Carpet Fitter              Computer
            Drax Hall
                                       P J Bushby             Problems?
        Available for hire for private
           parties or for regular    All aspects of carpet and   Email & internet support   The churchyard mowing rota for Affpuddle will resume in July.
               meetings.          vinyl fitting undertaken.     Wireless networking setup
         Large hall and smaller room   Domestic or commercial.     PC and Laptop repairs   I am extremely grateful to Roger Prideaux, Sandy Moriarty and William Smith for
          are both available.  The    Your own materials fitted or   Virus and malware removal   their solitary churchyard mowing carried out on their own initiative using their own
         latter especially suitable for   home selection if preferred.     No call-out charge   equipment during the past weeks and months. It is entirely due to their hard work
           children’s parties.  For    Helpful advice always    Over 20 years’ experience   that  the  churchyard  has  been  kept  in  its  usual  beautiful  condition  despite  the
        details of hiring charges etc.    available.  The complete    Call Alan on :       difficult time that we have been going through.
                                 carpet and flooring service.
        Contact Hall Secretary - Lyn                        01929 480529                   In  order  to  maintain  safe  handling  procedures  for  the  use  of  the  mowing
               Simmonds                                       07710 835905                 equipment the following measures will be introduced and remain in effect until
                                  01202 624684
         01929 471528                                      further notice:
                                                                                           1.    When  you  wish  to  mow  the  churchyard  please  contact  me  on  my  mobile
                                                                                           telephone 07790 033596 to arrange a time to be let into the container.
                                                             Helen Rigler
        Toes and Fingers            Claire Myers
                                                                                           2.  Sanitising spray and paper towels will be kept inside the container and are to
          Toe and finger nail        PILATES            HOLISTIC THERAPIST                 be used to clean the points of contact, handles etc, on all the equipment to be
        cutting service in your                          The Egdon Heath Practice          used. Sanitising is to be carried out before and after using the mowing equipment.
             own home           At Moreton Village Hall     Winfrith Newburgh              3.    Let  me  when  you  have  finished  mowing  and  I  will  ensure  that  all  mowing
         Toe nail cutting £15    Monday mornings         Offering Reflexology,             equipment has been sanitised and the container locked.
        Finger nail cutting £12   9.15  - Intermediate    Massage, Reiki and               It  is  completely  understood  that  some  individuals  may  be  unwilling  to  resume
         Both treatments £18                                    Facials                    mowing until the COVID-19 crisis is over and I only ask that they let me know if this
                                  10.20  -  Gentle        Over 15 years experience         is the case.
             Call Kay on
                         01305 854720                                                                         Stephen Sanderson
          01202 280482 or
                                                       The mowing rota for July is as follows:
            07968 290333                                    07766 691080

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