Page 92 - br-july-2020
P. 92

July 2020                                                                           July 2020

                                                                                           CALLING ALL REASONABLY ABLE BODIED
                          CHURCH AND VILLAGE

                                                                                           Would you like to do something for your community?
       Association  Contact  Tel      Address       E-mail    Meetings/Info                We  have  a  small
                                                                                           group    of   church
                                                                                           cleaners  on  a  rota
       Bere Regis Scout   Liz Teather   01929       lizteather@hot  Wednesdays 6  -  7  pm   which  has  had  to  be
       Group (Beavers)          471216       5¾ - 8 years
                                                              Scout Hut, Elder Road        suspended     during
                                                                                           Lockdown, but will be
       Bere Regis Scout   Neal Unitt-  01929                  Mondays 7.30 - 9 pm          restarted   as   the
       Group (Scouts)   Jones   472273                        10½ or 11 to 14 years        church  reopens  for
                                                              Scout Hut, Elder Road
       General or group         01305                                                      pr i vate   wor shi p
       enquiries      Chris Gall   772634                                                  i m m i n e n t l y .
                                                                                           Unfortunately many of
       Bere Regis Scout   Kate Willis   01929                 Thursdays 6.30  -  8 pm
       Group (Cubs)             472787                        8– 10½ or 11 years           our  volunteers  have
                                                              Scout Hut, Elder Road        had  to  leave  due  to
                                                                                           a g e ,    i n f i r m i t y ,
                                                                                           shielding  (and  sadly,
       Kingsbere Explorer   Helen Unitt-  01929               Tuesdays 7.30 pm-9.30 pm.
       Scout Unit     Jones     472273                        14-18 years, male and        death).
                                                              female.  Scout Hut, Elder
                                                                                           We  do  need  new cleaners/dusters.  We  have  a  beautiful  church  we can  all  be
       Briantspuddle Book   Angie Talbot   472483   19 Bladen Valley   angie@ptalbot.  2nd Saturday 10  -  12 noon   proud of, and it is very satisfying to see it clean, tidy, and sparkling.
       Let                                   Briantspuddle Village Hall,
                                                              in conjunction with Coffee   You do not have to be a church goer, several of us are not.
       Chapel Toddlers   Suzie Gee   472484   Rose Cottage, Butt   suziegtitus3v4@  Tuesdays  -  9.15 a.m.  -    We  would  like  to  welcome  men,  as  we  currently  have  few.  The  cleaning  is  no
       Group                          Land   11.30 a.m.  at the      more physically demanding than it is in your own home.
                                                              Congregational Chapel,
                                                              Butt Lane
                                                                                           The commitment is small, you will probably clean twice a year for perhaps one to
       Cyril Wood Court                                       1st Saturday of every        two hours a time. Usually during the week, daytimes when the church is already
       Monthly Coffee Stop                                    month from 10.00  -  12.00
                                                                                           We usually work in pairs, but if you want to clean alone, that’s fine.
       Drax Hall      Lyn Simmonds   471528
                                                                                           We’ll show you where everything is, and what we do.
       Dorset Councillor   Peter Wharf   472246   The Old Vicarage   peterwharf@ho         If you feel you would like  do this and can spare the time, please give me a ring as
                                      West Street
                                                                                           soon as possible on 471777 (so that I can get a new rota out ASAP!)
                                                                                                                                                         Tina Walker
       Kingsbere Quilters   Mrs Diane   472331   10 Boswell’s Close      Monthly   Scout Hut
                      Edmonds         BH20 7JE                1st Wednesday 9.30 am  -
       Milborne St Andrew   Secretary: Sue   01258   Lane End, Milborne   Msa.allotments  A new allotment site adjacent to
       Allotment Society   Gould (28   837575    St Andrew.   the Sports Club in the village,
                      Stileham Bank,                          whole plot £30, half plot £20 per
                      MSA DT11 0LE)

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