Page 29 - br-July-2018
P. 29

July 2018                              July 2018

       help  is  amazing.    They  include,  for  example,  unloading  a  washing  machine,
       opening  doors,  switching  lights  on  and  off,  posting  parcels  and  picking  up
       selected groceries at the supermarket (the owner points).

       Along with several better known charities, CPI is a member of Assistance Dogs (UK)
       which  registers  trained  dogs.  Stickers  stating  ‘No  dogs  except  registered
       assistance  dogs’  are  gradually  replacing  the  familiar  ‘Guide  Dogs  Only’  on  the
       doors of shops, restaurants and public buildings.
       As I read this story I was struck by the number of ‘pictures’ it gives of a Christian’s
       life, and of our relationship to God.  Allen couldn’t receive Endal’s unconditional
       love and help until he admitted his need and took Endal into his home.
       In a similar way, we are unable to receive God’s unconditional love until we admit
       our need of Him, and confess that we have gone our own way and turned our
       back on Him.  God calls that ‘sin’, and it separates us from Him, but when Jesus
       died on the cross He made it possible for us to be forgiven, to have a new start
       and for Jesus to come and live in us, to help us every day and show us His love.  If
       you ask Jesus to forgive you and to come and live in you, then you will find that
       ‘that He helps you to be more tolerant, and every day you will learn a new way in
       which you can work together as a team.’  You will not be on your own!  If you fall,
       Jesus will gently pick you up.  He will not only make life liveable, He has promised
       to  give  you  a  new  life  and  for  it  to  be  life  to  the  full.  (John  10:10)    Why  would
       anyone not want to have that quality of life?  It can be yours today if you confess
       your sin and ask Jesus to give you His new life. What are you waiting for!
                                                                   Joyce Healey



       The next Service at the Chapel will be on Sunday 1  July
       at 3.00pm and will be led by the Rev Jean Quick.
       There  will  be  a  ‘Buggies  and  Brunch’  on  a  Saturday
       morning  later  in  the  month,  at  the  usual  start  time  of
       10.30am,  but the date has still to be agreed.
        For more information contact the stewards: Karen Smith
       (01929 471339), Caroline Harrison (01929 471378).

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