Page 27 - br-July-2018
P. 27

July 2018                              July 2018

   Paul Martin   07788 185048

 Electrics   01929 289323
 Local BH20 electrician,  with over forty years’
 experience offering:-    CHURCH FETE
 Small load  -  £75  Large load  -  £160
  Consumer Unit (fuse
 board) Replacement    Cruck Cottage
  Emergency call-out
  Additions and                Briantspuddle
 Alterations to Existing

  Portable Appliance     11  AUGUST  2pm

 No VAT – Fully Insured     Entry £1, children free
 Part P Compliant

 Free Estimates
 All Work Guaranteed
                   Teas, cakes, games, plants,

                    books, raffle, bric-a-brac,
 Framing                                craft

 Picture and framing service              &
 with a wide selection of
 mounts and frames.

 Open most days but best   Wareham Town Band
 call first before making a
 special trip.   Come and join us!

 The Old School House
 Tincleton DT2 8QR
 01305 848909

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