Page 32 - br-July-2018
P. 32

July 2018                                                                           July 2018
                                                                                           was  our resident 1  handicap  golfer  Julian “The  Hook”  Flower,  in  second  position
       PURBECK DISTRICT COUNCIL REPORT                                                     was “The Gun Slinger” Mark Clapcott, and the winner for the day was yours truly,
                                                                                           The Captain…..well played to all.
       Annual Meeting                                                                      The  nearest  the  pin  were  won  by  Peter  “The  Abacus”  Cheeseman,  and  Jim
                                                                                           Goodey, nearest the pin in 2 was won by Harry Smith, who drove the green and
       At our recent annual meeting, which will be our last                                holed for a 2!  Lastly the nearest the line competition was won by Roger “Cueball”
       as  we  will  be  wound  up in  a  year’s  time, I  was  re-                        Johns.
       elected  to  the  post  of  Planning  Committee
       Chairman.                                                                           There was a rollover from the previous month with the 2’s, where we more than
                                                                                           made  up  for  it  this  month  by  sinking  6  of  them,  congratulations  to  Julian,  Brett,

                                                                                           Captain, Jim, Colin & Harry!
       Wareham Foot Bridge
                                                                                           After  the  prize  giving  we  held  the  third  of  our  monthly  raffles  where  I  am  again
       The  County  regulatory  Committee  met  on  Thursday  14th  June  to  consider  this   overwhelmed with the ROGS generosity as we managed to raise a fantastic £188
       application. As Chair of the District’s Planning Committee, who has presided over   for the Captain’s Charities of Diabetes UK and Epilepsy….thank you so much once
       our refusals of this proposals over the last few years, I spoke to a packed meeting   again.
       in Wareham outlining the Districts position on this. I am delighted to say that our
       reasons  for  refusal  were  supported  and  have  been  included  in  their  case  for   I look forward to seeing you all at the next ROGS game at Manor House GC just
       refusal which was passed unanimously. I will report back on further developments.   outside Castle Coombe on June 29  first tee off 2pm.
                                                                                                                                                        Captain Tiny
       New cashless parking payment provider launches in Purbeck

       Drivers can now using their mobile phone to pay to park in car parks in Wareham,
       Swanage and Corfe Castle; however they will need to register with a new service
       from the end of May 2018.                                                           THOMAS WILLIAMS EDUCATIONAL
                                                        JustPark  will  be  running        FOUNDATION
                                                        the  service  in  Council-                                                    Registered Charity  -  306172
                                                        owned  car  parks  from
                                                        Tuesday  29  May  2018.
                                                        Th e    s e r vi c e    h a d       Long established members of our village community will already be aware of this
                                                        p r e v i o u s l y    b e e n      local grant making charity.
                                                        provided  by  Phone  and            Nowadays,  we  generally  refer  to  the  trust  as  “The  Williams  Trust”  and  many
                                                        Pay  so  users  of  that            parishioners  are  aware  that  it  makes  financial  contributions  towards  the
                                                        service   will   need   to          education of young people in the Parish, especially in cases of greatest need.
                                                        register  their  details  with
                                                        J u s t P a r k     a t             Grants  to  individuals  in  previous  years  have  ranged  from  assistance  with
                                                .  Car            equipment  costs  for  undergraduates,  6th  former  travel  costs  and  support  for
                                                        park users will still be able       apprenticeships.  Local youth organisations, including the school, Scouts and the
       to  use  cash  if  they  prefer,  but  anyone  wishing  to  pay  via  mobile  will  have  the   Swimming Club have also benefited.
       convenience of being cash-free, and extending their parking time without going       The  Trustees  of  the  charity  are  very  much  aware  that  as  the  community  has
       back to their vehicle. JustPark is also being rolled out to car parks across Poole   changed and grown over the years, the profile of the Trust has  become less well-
       and  Dorset,  so  users  will  only  need  to  register  once  to  park  in  the  whole  area.   known  and  there  are  many  cases  of  real  need  which  have  not  been  able  to
       Check  the  JustPark  app  or  website  to  see  which  car  parks  are  included.  Visit   benefit.  To that end, we have stepped up the publicity  for the grant application for details and to download the app.
                                                                                            process  with  advertisements  in  this  publication,  posts  on  the  village  Facebook

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