Page 34 - br-July-2018
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July 2018                                                                           July 2018
                                                                                            President  - Mark Teed            R  O  G  S
                                                                                            Captain -  Dean Merritt
                                                                                                                         c/o Mr G R Storey, Secretary
       DORSET COUNTY COUNCIL REPORT                                                         Vice       -  Ian Spalding   9 Boswells Close, Bere Regis, BH20 7JE
                                                                                            Secretary - Guy Storey
                                                                                                                          Telephone:- 01929 471041
                                                                                            Treasurer - Peter Cheeseman
       Dorset for You new Website                                                                            e-mail:
       The    new    website   has   just   launched                                              Golf Days held every month, usually the last Friday, from February through to October.
       (   This   includes   the   new                                   New members are invited to join.   Contact Guy Storey – 471041 for membership forms and details.
       homepage  and  some  new  services.  All  other                                                                  V E N U E S   2018
       services are being updated and will transfer over in
       the next few weeks. As the team continues to work                                     Date         Venue                   Trophy         Winner
       on the new site, a few snags are being raised and
       resolved.    There  are  ‘feedback’  links  on  most                                  23   February   Paultons Golf Centre   Members Challenge  Peter Cheeseman
       standard pages (there isn’t one on the homepage),                                      th
       so  please  use  these  to  let  the  Dorsetforyou  team                              30  March    Weymouth Golf Club      GRS Trophy     Cancelled
       know  if  you  spot  anything  that  isn’t  working  as  it                           27  April    High Post Golf Club     Jim Corbin Cup   Jim Goodey
                                                                                             25  May      Salisbury & South Wilts Golf Club  Ex-Landlord’s Cup   Dean Merritt
                                                                                             29  June     Manor House Golf Club   President’s Cup
       Finance                                                                               27  July     Wareham Golf Club       Captain’s Cup
       I am pleased to let you know that we were able to close the Council’s accounts        31   August   Bath Golf Club         Memorial Cup
       in  record  time  for  the  financial  year  2017-18.    And  I’m  even  more  pleased  to
       confirm that together, as a Council, we achieved a small overall underspend of        28  September   Rushmore Golf Club   Whitbread Pairs
       £238,000.  This is no mean feat in light of the challenging and increasing budget     26  October    Lyme Regis Golf Club   Zoom Trophy
       pressures  we  face  as  a  Council,  with  demand  for  social  care  services  growing
       year  on  year  due  to  an  ageing  population,  and  the  Council’s  funding  from   Summer Tour – 15  -17  June 2018   AGM 7:00pm for 7:30pm Wednesday 7  November, Bere
       central  government  falling.  In  addition,  government  regulations  allowed  us  to   Old Thorns Golf & Spa Hotel   Regis Sports Club
       make some one-off adjustments to our financing arrangements in 2017-18 and to         Autumn Tour -  13  – 22  September   Cup of Good Cheer & Presentation Evening – 8  December
       put  aside  some  money  to  cover  costs  associated  with  forming  the  new  unitary   Belek, Turkey            2018 Dorset G&CC (tbc)
       councils. This improved the Council’s overall year end budget position by another
       £4m.  This money has been added to the Council’s reserves.
       We  managed  to  achieve  this  significant  result  thanks  to  hard  work  across  the
       council to tackle potential budget overspending.   However, we cannot rest on
       our laurels.  The budget challenge continues: the Council’s savings target for 2018                     Ex Landlords Cup 2018
       -19  is  just  under  £19m.    We  face  ongoing  budget  pressures  due  to  inflation,                30  ROGS  members  and  2  guests  turned  it  in  beautiful
       continuing growth in demand for social care, and other factors.  We must ensure                         sunshine for the Ex Landlords Cup kindly sponsored by good
       that Dorset County Council is in a stable financial position ready for the transition                   friend  Mr  Mark  Teed.    It  was  played  at  the  beautifully
       to the new unitary councils in April 2019.  I will be working closely with directors to                 manicured  Salisbury  golf  course  situated  adjacent  to
       ensure we achieve this.                                                                                 Salisbury  Racecourse.    The  day  was  started  once  again
                                                                                                               with an FA cup style live draw which once again threw up

                                                                                           some interesting groups.
                                                                                           The  ROGS  toiled  in  the  humid  conditions  and  returned  some  impressive  scores,
       A combination of warm and wet weather has resulted in the green verges and          with all of the top 3 players returning a very respectable 37 points.  In 3  position
       hedgerows  of  Dorset  becoming  lush  and  luxuriant.  Dorset  County  Council

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