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July 2018                                                                           July 2018
                                                                                           DORSET TRADING STANDARDS

                                                                                            Dorset County Council Trading Standards Service check and
        Sundays 10.30am  Morning Service  taken each week by  visiting                      approve businesses so you don’t have to.
                                                                                            For more information visit or
        Mondays at 7pm  STS (Search the Scriptures) Youth meeting                           call 08454 040506.
        Tuesdays at 9.15am (during term time)  Chapel Toddlers Group                        To report or seek advice about problems you have
        Tuesdays at 7.30pm  Bible Study and Prayer                                          experienced when dealing with a trader call 08454 040506.

                                                                                           News from Trading Standards: Scams through the ages.
        Dogs That Make Life Liveable
                                                                                           Citizens Advice working have identified four common groups of people, each of
        Allen was looking forward to a promising career in the Royal Navy when a traffic
        accident  left  him  unable  to  walk  and  with  short  term  memory  loss.    He  was   who are more likely to be affected by scams in different ways.
        discharged from the Navy deemed unfit for employment.                              Although  ‘young  people’  aged  18  to  24  don’t  represent  the  largest  group  of
        He  couldn’t  remember  from  day  to  day  what  he  had  done  without  writing  it   people falling victim to scams, numbers of scam victims in this group is rising. In
        down.  Large chunks of his life had been erased.  This made him so frustrated that   particular,  young  people  are  a  growing  proportion  of  victims  of  online  and
                                                                                           identity fraud. Having grown up with technology they are often confident in their
        for a long time the easiest thing for him to do was to hide away from everyone.    ability when using the internet. This can lead to them feeling that they are unlikely
        His confidence ebbed away.
                                                                                           to fall for internet scams, making them complacent and increasingly vulnerable.
                                                    Then he heard about ‘Canine            Research shows that over half of young people are unlikely to report scams.
                                                    Partners for Independence’, a          ‘Life established’ people in their 40s to 60s are the group most affected by scams.
                                                    charity  that  assists  disabled       Part of this is due to the fact that they are most likely to report scams, but also
                                                    people  to  enjoy  a  greater          because  certain  demographics  within  this  group  are  targeted  due  to  their
                                                    independence  and  a  better           circumstances. For example, this group tends to be more settled and has access
                                                    quality of life through the help       to  financial  assets.  This  makes  them  more  likely  to  be  targets  of  scams,  such  as
                                                    of  specially-trained  dogs.    His    pension scams, dating scams and property scams.
                                                    life changed completely when
                                                    Endal,  a  Labrador,  came  to         ‘Older people’, over 70s, are often targeted by scammers. Research has found
                                                    live with him.                         that 75 is the average age of reported scam victims and those over 70 suffer the
                                                                                           highest detriment. Older people tend to fall victim most to phone and mail scams,
                                                    Now when Allen forgets things,         and  figures  from  National  Trading  Standards  show  that  older  people  are
                                                    Endal patiently finds them and
                                                    gives  them  to  him.    If  Allen’s   deliberately  targeted  more  than  other  demographics.  This  group  also  sees  the
        foot falls from the footrest of his wheelchair, Endal gently takes it in his mouth and   largest proportion of people who are recurring victims of scams.
        lifts it back.  He even collects cash from a bank dispenser.                       People who are ‘socially isolated’ can be the hardest to reach and often aren’t
        “Endal accepts me as I am, he never turns away because of my condition,” says      able to access the same support that others can.  While this group makes up a
        Allen.    “His  love  is  unconditional.    He  is  helping  me  to  become  more  tolerant.    smaller  number  of  cases  of  reported  scams  they  often  have  high  levels  of
        Every day we learn another way in which we can work together as a team.”           detriment, not just in the amount of money lost, but the overall impact on health
                                                                                           and wellbeing.
        Dogs like Endal are carefully selected and put through a CPI training lasting up to
        twenty months.  Each dog is taught a set of commands which can be added to         By  better  understanding  different  groups  Citizens  Advice  hope  to  reach  more
                                                                                           people and encourage reporting. If you’ve lost money because of scams report it
        by  owners  after  they  are matched.    The  range  of  ways  in  which  the  dogs  can
                                                                                           to action fraud, by phone 0300 123 2040, or online

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