Page 24 - br-July-2018
P. 24

July 2018                                                                           July 2018
       Flowers and Cleaning Rota                                                           BERE REGIS SURGERY

       Date:         Flowers:             Cleaning:                                        NEWS
       7 July         Anne Forty           Audrey Grindrod

       14 July        Amanda Parker        Amanda Parker                                   Blood Test Results
       21 July        Wedding              Vivi Armitage                                   The  Surgery  is  soon  to  pilot  a  scheme
                                                                                           advising  patients  of  their  normal  blood
       28 July        Fiona Hogger         Fiona Hogger                                    results by text message if consent has been
       4 August       Jane Talbot          Jane Talbot                                     given previously  by the patient to use this
                                                                                           mobile phone procedure.

                                                                                           SMS Text Messaging
                                                                                           We would like to remind our patients again  that if you would like us to send you a
                                                                                           text message detailing your next appointment and/or blood results, please inform
       Mowing                                                                              the Reception Team of your current mobile number.
       Rota           Area 1         Area 2         Area 3       Area 4
                                                                                           Surgery : 01929 471268

       25 Jun - 8 Jul   Roger Prideaux   Jaffar Abbas   Paul     Chris Parker
                                                    Nottingham                             Lyme Disease/Tick Bites -Some advice

       9 – 22 Jul     Graham Nobbs   Richard Hall   Campbell De  Chris Parker              Lyme disease is a bacterial infection that can be spread to humans by infected
                                                    Burgh                                  ticks. It’s usually easier to treat if it’s diagnosed early.
                                                                                           Most  tick  bites  are  harmless.  Only  a  small  number  of  ticks  are  infected  with  the
       23 Jul – 5 Aug   Steve Sanderson  Richard Talbot  Alec    Chris Parker              bacteria that cause Lyme disease. Ticks that may cause the disease are found all
                                                    Armitage                               over  the  UK,  but  high-risk  areas  include  grassy  and  wooded  areas  in  southern
                                                                                           England and the Scottish Highlands.

                                                                                           How to spot and remove ticks
                                                Quality Tax and
           KingsBere                                Accounting                                                                 Tick bites are not always painful. You may
                                                                                                                               not notice a tick unless you see it on your
                                                                                                                               skin. Regularly check your skin and that of
                                                                                                                               your  children  or  pets’  skin  after  being
           Accountants                     For professional advice, dealing with all                                           outdoors.
                                                aspects of accounts and tax
                                                                                                                               To remove a tick safely:
                                           Day and evening appointments available
                                                                                                                               1.  Use  fine-tipped  tweezers  or  a  tick-
                                                                                                                               removal  tool  –  you  can  buy  these  from
                                                                                                                               some pharmacies, vets and pet shops
                 Phone Debbie Scott FCCA, ATII on 01258 830304
                                                                                                                               2.  Grasp  the  tick  as  close  to  the  skin  as

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