Page 22 - br-July-2018
P. 22

July 2018                                                                           July 2018
                                                                                           Surgery and there are still individual maps available on the table in the Surgery for
                                                                                           those patients, friends and family who would still like to take part. There is also an

                                                                                           option on the map to walk a two mile route. Enjoy!

                                                                                           Carers Week -  June 11th-17th
                                                                                           A tea party to celebrate the above week was held in the Scout Hut at Bere Regis.

                                                                                           Please  see  Carers  Notice  Board  in  the  Surgery  Waiting  Room  for  details  of
                                                                                           forthcoming    events,  or  contact  Mechelle  or  Jo  for  any  information.  The  next
                                                                                           meeting will be held in August.

                                                                                           PPG Awareness Week- June 4-June 9th
                   Dorset Historic Churches Trust
                                                                                           PPG Awareness Week aims to promote the role and benefits of PPGs to patients,
                           Annual Ride + Stride                                            the  public  and  health  professionals  and  to  create  more  understanding  of  the
                                                                                           value of true patient participation. Posters were distributed locally outlining some
                                                                                           of the work your PPG has undertaken.

             Saturday 8th September 2018
                                                                                              When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw
                                                                                                 their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the
                                                                                                  effectiveness of their advert and helps us generate more
                         Our parish organisers are:
                                                                                                                    advertising revenue!!
                     Pat Wharf (Bere Regis)  472246

                   Richard Killer (Affpuddle) 471202

             This event takes place between 10.00am and 6.00pm. There is
           no specified route or timetable — you can visit as many or as few
             churches and chapels as you wish. Full information, sponsor
            forms, instructions and lists of churches can be obtained from
                  the Parish Organisers (above) or the DHCT website.

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