Page 20 - br-July-2018
P. 20

July 2018                                                                           July 2018

                                                                                           Lytchett  Matravers  (free  Parking)  at  08.30  and  the  Flower  Show  at  16.30,  to  be
        JUNIOR                    “Why don’t you come and join us at the                   back home at c.19.00.

        CHURCH                     Family Service on the second Sunday                     Come and join us and have some fun with our friendly club!
        NEWS                           of every month at 11.00 am”                         New club members are very welcome, and  membership is free  – just ring  (after
                                                                                           10.00 please!)
                                                                                           Jo Puttick on 01929-459368, or email –
       The story behind last month’s Junior Church Service was about the sick man who
       was lowered through the roof to ensure that Jesus saw him and healed him. His
       friends were persistent on the man’s behalf. They were real friends. So our service
       was based around friendship.
                                                                                           BERE REGIS AND DISTRICT
                                                          Various  members  of
                                                          the  “Open  the  Book”           TWINNING ASSOCIATION
                                                          team  acted  out  the
                                                          story  with  the  help  of
                                                          the   children.   The             We are holding a Summer BBQ on 13  July 2018 7
                                                          “Open    the   Book”              pm  for  7.30  pm  at  The  Old  Post  Office,  13  North
                                                          project   encourages              Street, Bere Regis, BH20 7LA.    All are welcome.  If
                                                          church groups to make             you  would  like  to  join  us,  please  email
                                                          links  with  local  primary  or  ring  07876  577012.
                                                          schools  so  that  they           Cost  £7.00  per  head  which  will  cover  the  food.
                                                          can   act   out   Bible           Please bring your own drinks.
                                                          stories  in  assemblies.          If you are interested in joining the Twinning Association please email Jackie Ahern
                                                          We  currently  do  these
                                                                                            at for further information.

       stories  in  Bere,  Wool  and
       Bovington  Primary  Schools,
       as  well  as  the  odd  Junior
       Church service.
       The  other  big  event  was
       that  we  were  celebrating
       ten  years  of  puppets.  Our
       c u r r e n t    p u p p e t e e r s
       performed  the  same  song
       as  we  did  ten  years  ago,
       Reach by S Club 7, and one
       of  our  retired  puppeteers
       returned  from  university  to
       do a guest spot. As we were
       celebrating this birthday we
       had lots of mini birthday cakes at the end of the service.

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