Page 19 - br-jan-2020
P. 19

January 2020                         January 2020

                      BERE REGIS NEWS


        Group News

        So  the  New  Year  is  upon  us  (again  –  where  did  2019
        go?) and time for those dreaded resolutions – how about making one this year
        that will have a huge impact on the development of lots of our young people
        – volunteer at Bere Regis Scout Group.  There are lots of things you can do –
        we have weekly commitments like attending a meeting to the one off help like
        making a cake for an event.  Please do see if you have a space in your busy
        lives to volunteer – current roles that we need help with are adults to help at
        Beavers on a Wednesday evening, a secretary for the Executive Committee –
        this is attending a meeting every 6/8 weeks and taking notes, or someone to
                                help with our publicity to prepare this report every
                                month?    Please  get  in  touch  with  Neal  for  a  chat

                                about how you can help.  Many thanks.

                                Explorer News
                                Fun  was  had  at  the  quiz  night  where  some  great
                                trivia  knowledge  was  put  to  the  test.    Christmas
                                themed  crafting  and  baking  produced  some
                                amazing results and very edible nibbles.

                                         Scout News
                                         The term ended with the Christmas party
                                         with  food  and  games.    Cooking
                                         Christmas biscuits and mince pies was a
                                         challenge  and  kept  the  oven  very  busy
                                         on  another  evening  after  we  had
                                         decorated  the  hut  with  the  Christmas
                                         tree  and  lots  of  coloured  paper  chains.
                                         Scouts helped to prepare and serve a 3
                                         course  Christmas  lunch  to  over  30  local
                                         community  neighbours  with  games  of
                                         bingo and a raffle – this is a very popular
                                         annual event.

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