Page 22 - br-jan-2020
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January 2020                                                                        January 2020
                                                                                           BERE REGIS WI
        TWINNING ASSOCIATION                                                               Happy  New  Year  to  all  our  family  and  friends  in
                                                                                           Bere  Regis  and  beyond.    We  hope  the  festive
                                                                                           season brought you all that you wished for.
       Annual General Meeting and Quiz  -
                                                                                           For several members of the Bere Regis WI, this was
       February 2020
                                                                                           the opportunity to take part in the annual DFWI Carol Festival, either as part of the
       Happy  New  Year  from  the  Twinning  Association  to  all                                                               choir or in the audience.  This year the
       readers of the Parish Magazine .....                                                                                      festival was repeated at two beautiful
                                                                                                                                 and awe inspiring venues – Wimborne
       We are holding our Annual General Meeting on Monday 17th February 2020 at 7                                               Minster  and  Sherborne  Abbey.    Two
       p.m. at the Sports Club, North Street, Bere Regis. Straight after the AGM, at 7.30                                        full churches of WI members (and non-
                                                          p.m  we  will  be  holding                                             members)  were  enthralled  by  their
                                                          a quiz and raffle. All are                                             afternoons.  Anyone of any faith, or no
                                                          welcome.                                                               faith,  would  have  felt  entirely
                                                                                                                                 comfortable  at  these  inclusive,
                                                          If  you  are  interested  in
                                                          joining   the   Twinning                                               welcoming  events,  where  the
                                                          Association,   please                                                  atmosphere,  the  occasion,  the
                                                          email:                                                                 camaraderie  and  the  music
                                                                                                                                 delighted. for details.                                             In  December,  we  were  extremely  pleased  to  be  able  to  help  the  Sports  and
                                                                                           Social Club celebrate the purchase of the southern part of the recreation ground
                                                                                           with  traditional  WI  sandwiches  and  cake.    No  tea  this  time,  liquid  refreshments
                                                                                           were provided by the social club bar!  This is an important milestone for the club
       BERE REGIS WILDLIFE AND                                                             at it should secure the full extent of the sports grounds in trust for perpetuity.
       ENVIRONMENT GROUP                                                                   January  sees  us  continuing  the  theme  we  started  with  our  Christmas  meal  in
                                                                                           December by celebrating our first meeting of the New Year with our traditional
                                                                                           January  party,  where  members  will  be  provided  with  light  entertainment,
       A very HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all                                                    refreshments and a warm, welcoming atmosphere!
                                                                                           Stitch and Twitch will restart in the New Year on Wednesday, 29  January 2020 at
       Join Us on our Conservation Working                                                 the Sports and Social Club.  We will be preparing some new green hearts to add
       Parties                                                                             to  the  stock  with  which  we  will  be  decorating  the  village  in  what  has  now
                                                                                           become  an  annual  event  to  raise  awareness  of  climate  change  and  what
       Please come and join us at the next Working Party – Saturday 4  January - many      individuals can do to combat it.
       hands make for light work; all are welcome (under 16s should be accompanied
       by an adult). No experience is required, there’s a friendly crowd and it is great fun   For details of future meetings or further information about the WI, please contact
                                                                                           Di  Pitts  on  01929  471322  or  Moira  Mathers  on  07900  906278.  You  can  see  more
       and exercise too! Or, just pop along and find out more about what we are doing.
                                                                                           about our past meetings and activities on our Facebook page @BereRegisWI.
       We will meet by the stream bridge near to the Scout Hut, Elder Road at 10am or
       you can find us along the river. We normally finish about 12.30. If you have some
       loppers,  secateurs,  hand  saws  or  a  spade  please  bring  them  with  you  –  if  you
       don’t, no problem we’ll have some spares along with other tools. Our efforts are

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