Page 14 - br-jan-2020
P. 14

January 2020                                                                        January 2020

                                                                                           year  with  the  bank  holiday  at  the  beginning  of  May  being  moved  from  the
                                                                                           Monday to the Friday to enable weekend long celebrations. As we celebrate the
                                                                                           end of the second World War in Europe let us take the opportunity to celebrate all
                                                                                           the  freedoms  we  so  take  for  granted  in  this  amazing  place  where  we  live,
                                                                                           hopefully  it  will  prove  to  be  a  weekend    once  again  providing  something  for
                                                                                           everyone. Anyone wanting to get involved with making that weekend a village
                                                                                           event to remember please let me know as I’m formulating some ideas now.

                                                                                           Wishing everyone a happy healthy and fun year.
                                                                                                               Stuart Chorley, Chairman Briantspuddle Village Hall Trustees.
                                                                                                                       Contact on 07818078191 or

                                                                                           BURNS NIGHT AT THE
                                                                                           VILLAGE HALL

                                                                                            As  we  mentioned  last  spring,  we  are
                                                                                            hosting  a  Burns  Night  celebration  this

                                                                                            This  lively  and  enjoyable  event  will  be
                                                                                            taking  place  on  Saturday  25   January
                                                                                            The well loved local band RainBarrow will
                                                                                            be  playing  live  for  your  delight  and
                                                                                            entertainment.  Diners  will  be  treated  to
                                                                                            the  traditional  ceremonial  entrance  of,
                                                                                            and  toast  to  the  haggis,  after  which  a
                                                                                            top  notch  three  course  meal  will  be
                                                                                            served. A bar will also be serving drinks.
                                                                                            The  fun  continues  with  joyful  and  often
                                                                                            hilarious dancing. . . . . All this for a mere
                                                                                            £15.00 per person!
                                                                                            To book your tickets please be sure to call Stuart Chorley (07818078191) as early as
                                                                                            you can as places for this event are limited and often sell out.
                                                                                                                                                          Thank you.

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