Page 20 - br-jan-2020
P. 20

January 2020                                                                        January 2020

        Cub News

        At  the  beginning  of  term
        cubs    began    talking
        about     how    much
        kindness  a  million  hands                                                        BERE REGIS SPORTS CLUB
        can  spread.  Over  the
        term  we  have  looked  at
        kindness    in   other                                                             Website:
        countries  (Mexico  -  day
        of  the  dead),  picked  up                                                        OPENING TIMES
        some  polystyrene  which
        had been dumped and took it on our walk till we found a bin, we have also          The Sports Club regular opening times are as follows:
        made Christmas puddings for the community lunch and we visited  Wareham            Friday  7.30 p.m.
        food bank to make Christmas hampers for 40+ families who will need support,
                                                                                           Saturday  4.30 p.m.
        their area includes Bere Regis!
                                                                                           Sunday  3p.m. – 6 p.m.

                                              Beaver News                                  Opening times may vary due to televised sport, please check the BRSC website
                                                                                           for details of any such changes.
                                              Beavers  celebrated  International
                                              Night with a French theme including          The clubhouse is available for functions e.g. Birthdays, Anniversaries, Wakes.
                                              a  café  with  cheeses,  pate  and
                                              baguettes  and  croissants.    We  got       For  further  info  please  contact  Andy  Kent,  or  Tel.
                                              messy  one  night  with  paints  and         01929 471079
                                              produced some excellent Christmas
                                              themed posters.
                                                                                           Steve Cooper Memorial Clock Appeal;

                                                                                           We will all have our own fond memories of Steve and among the many things that
                                                                                           he was involved with, Steve was President of Bere Regis Cricket Club. For some
                                                                                           time  now  club  members  have  been  wanting  to  remember  Steve  in  an
        Scout Hut Hire                                                                     appropriate, lasting way. Having been in contact with his family we have decided
                                                                                           to purchase a large, outdoor clock to be fixed high up on the dormer roof of the
        Please  be  advised  that  we  are no  longer  offering  the  hut for hire  for  one  off   old building at the recreation ground here in Bere Regis. The clock will be clearly
        events and private parties.
                                                                                           visible from the by-pass, as well as the field of play and will be used by the umpires
                                                                                           during matches.
        Contact us                                                                         The cost of the clock, which will carry suitable wording in memory of Steve, is in
                                                                                           the region of £800 and all donations, large and small, are very much appreciated.
        If anyone would like further information about Bere Regis Scout Group or the
        Kingsbere Explorer Scout Unit, all the contact details for the individual sections   If you would like to make a donation the Fundraising Page Link is shown below.
        (Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers) are available in the village directory at    Steve Cooper Memorial Clock Fundraising Page Link;
        the  back  of  this  magazine.    General  enquiries  and  offers  of  help/assistance:
        Neal Unitt-Jones on 01929 472273.                                        

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