Page 15 - br-jan-2020
P. 15

January 2020                         January 2020




 Hi,  hopefully  all  the  build  up  and  effort  everyone
 put  in  led  to  a  very  enjoyable  festive  season.  The
 Christmas  fayre  at  the  village  hall  on  the  1   of
 December  certainly  kicked  everything  off  in  the
 right way for us.  A massive thank you to all the stall holders and all of you that
 came along to make it such a great day. There was a lovely buzz in the hall and
 a great atmosphere with people laughing and chatting as you browsed the stalls
 or indulged in a turkey roll with stuffing and cranberry sauce washed down with
 an exceptional glass of mulled wine. What a way to get things started. As I write
 we are yet to enjoy the Christmas lights displays and the awards evening, not to
 mention the carols in the hall with the Briantspuddle singers and at the church,
 Mike  Menzies  talks,  and  the  New  Year’s  Eve  party  rounding  everything  off.  But,
 what I do know is that with all the hard work everyone is putting into these events
 that  there  will  have  been  something  for  everyone  to  enjoy.  A  huge  debt  of
 gratitude is due all of my trustees and friends who have enabled to hall to thrive
 through  2019  and,  I  know,  are  already  working  tirelessly  towards  just  as  an
 eventful 2020.
 Diving straight into another fun evening we have the ever popular Burns night, this
 year falling on a Saturday, 25  for those unsure of the date. Tickets are available
 and disappear very quickly for this much anticipated evening, and with it being a
 Saturday I’m guessing the limited tickets will be in even more demand than usual
 so  please  get  in  quick  to  avoid  disappointment.  We  can  only  seat  a  certain
 number  and  once  they’re  gone  they’re  gone.  RainBarrow  will  once  again  be
 delighting us with their musical talents on the night and it will indeed be a great
 start to life in the hall for another year. Tickets are available from myself and you
 can contact me on 07818078191.
 As we all set out into this year with all the good intentions and resolutions to get
 more exercise, drink less, learn a musical instrument, read more or whatever else it
 is we want to achieve let us also resolve to get to know each other that little bit
 better and enjoy each other’s company and how better to do all that than by
 making use of our wonderful hall and the events that go on there. Pilates, yoga
 and keep fit are ideal ways of dealing with the excesses of last month and then
 there’s  the  coffee  shop  on  Saturday  mornings  along  with  Mike’s  talks  and  the
 many other things that happen in and around the hall that enable us to meet
 together socially.  Also as an advance notice we have VE day celebrations this

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