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February 2024                                                                       February 2024

       VILLAGE HALL                                                                         NEW SERIES  -  INTERESTING LIVES

       Hall Bookings

       If you  want  to book the Village  Hall  please contact  our                                                                            Regular  readers  may
       b o o k i n g    S e c r e t a r y    J o a n n a    S y r e t t                                                                        remember this request  or telephone   01929 472037                                                                                in   the   December
       she will also  be  able  to show you  around if  you are not   VILLAGE                                                                  magazine.
       familiar with the building.
                                                                  HALL                                                                         I am delighted that we
                                  The  Hall  has  two  rooms  to                                                                               have already had two
                                  offer  for  hire  the  picture                                                                               articles  submitted,  but
                                  show how these can look when set out.                                                                        it  would  be  terrific  if
                                  The Lower room is £10 an hour and the upper Hall is                                                          some   more    were
                                  £15 an hour                                                                                                  forthcoming    -  I  know
                                                                                                                                               that  there  are  many
                                                                                                                                               suitable  ‘candidates’
                                                                                                                                               out there!
                                                                                                                                               Please do get in touch.

                                                                                            Sarah Welton
                                                                                            It seems very strange writing this while I am still ‘with you’  but as Churchwarden,
                                                                                            having to go to most funerals in Bere Regis  I feel strongly that it is so sad that you
                                                                                            only find out about people after they have died – I am for ever saying to myself
                                                                                            “if only I had known…”.

                                                                                            I  was  brought  up  in  Kent,  in  a  village
                                                                                            called Otford.  I had a very happy child
                                                                                            -hood  and  was  seriously  into  horse-
                                                                                            riding  and  Pony  Club  eventing      I

          When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them                              wasn’t  very  good  at  dressage  but  my
                                                                                            pony  was!    My  father  was  church
         you saw their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them                            organist in Sevenoaks and my brothers
                                                                                            and  I  sang  in  the  church  choir from  a
          monitor the effectiveness of their advert and helps us                            young age – I guess that is where I get
                                                                                            my strong Christian belief and my love
                    generate more advertising revenue!!                                     of  singing  from.    My  father  loved  the
                                                                                            Psalms and wanted to have ’He loved
                                                                                            plum  jam,  cricket  and  the  Psalms’,  in

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