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February 2024                        February 2024


 Dorset County Council Trading Standards Service check and   Our  journey  across  central  London
 approve businesses so you don’t have to.   was  uneventful  enough  but  as  we
 For more information visit or   pulled  up  outside  we  realised  that
 call 08454 040506.             parking could be a little tricky. “Just
 To report or seek advice about problems you have   drive  around  the  building  and  I  will
 experienced when dealing with a trader call 08454 040506.    meet you at the back and you can
       park  behind  my  car”  said  Mo
       Youssef,  the  General  Manager  at
 Reporting to Trading Standards   the Porchester Centre.
 If you think a business has broken the law or has acted unfairly, you can report   What  kind  people  we  have  met  on
 them  to  Trading  Standards.  Call  the  Citizens  Advice  consumer  helpline  on  0808   our  grand  swimming  tour  and  Mo
 223 1133.   was  no  exception.  We  eventually
       entered  the  building  through  the  back  but  from  the  front  it  had  a  very  grand
 There are two benefits in reporting this way:
       facade  with  Portland  stone  pillars,  Cornish  granite  and  the  appearance  of
 Your call will be answered by a trained Citizens Advice helpline advisor. They take   council chambers from the early 20 .century. I chatted a while with the friendly
 details  and  give  you  practical  and  impartial  advice  on  how  to  resolve  your   reception  lady  in  the  very  grand  teak  clad  foyer  and  listened  to  some  of  the
 consumer problem. They will tell you the law which applies to your situation and   banter between the staff. It soon became obvious that this must be a nice place
 will provide letter templates if needed. They will then pass information about your   to work as everyone seemed to get on so well.
 complaint to Trading Standards.
       The  Porchester  Centre  was  built  was  built  1923-1925  and  designed  by  local
 Trading  Standards  will  use  the  information  you  have  provided  to  decide  if  to   architect  Herbert  Shepherd.  This  grade  II  listed  building  has  had  a  £1.2  million
 investigate unfair trading and illegal business activity. Often business advice is all   pound  refurbishment  with  the  main  pool  retaining  most  of  the  original  features
 that’s  needed.  However,  Trading  Standards  can  take  businesses  to  court  when   including the splendid large viewing gallery and roof windows.
 there have been major breaches and it’s in the public interest to do so.    The centre has two pools with the larger one measuring 30 metres by 11 metres
 Here  are  just  some  examples  of  when  you  should  report  a  business  to  Trading   and the smaller pool 23 metres by 10 metres. The small pool had recently been re-
 Standards:   profiled with new glass tiles. Both pools are kept at a comfortable 27C
    unsafe  or  dangerous     Chizedek Ettienne (36) soon appeared and was to be my guide for most of the
 g o o d s ,    i n c l u d i n g   afternoon. He  had  been  at  the  centre  for nine  months  and  had  recently  been
 electrical  goods  and                    made  a  duty  manager.  Chizedek’s
 food  past  its  use-by                   broad  smile  said  it  all.  “I  love  this
 date                                      building. Everything is new, the staff are
    fake goods                            so  kind  and  we  are  a  good  team”.  He
    misdescribed goods                    had  been  born  to  a  large  family  in
                                           Trinidad  and  whilst  he  was  growing  up,
    you  were pressurised to              sang  with  his  five  brothers  in  a  gospel
 buy something                             choir. He came to this country when he
    You paid for something that you didn’t receive, and you can’t contact the   was 22, loved London and gained his UK
 seller                                    citizenship. Last month he was invited to
    A business seller has tried to stop you using your legal rights, such as saying   take  part  in  X  Factor.  “I  sang  Circle  of
 you can’t return faulty goods             Life, I didn’t get anywhere but I loved it

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