Page 48 - feb2024
P. 48

February 2024                                                                       February 2024
                                                                                                                                       people  to  do.      We  established

                                                                                                                                       Club  Mer  for  teen-agers  and
                                                                                                                                       taught them marine biology and
                                                                                                                                       even  taught  them  to  dive  and
                                                                                                                                       carry  out  marine  research.  We
                                                                                                                                       also    taught  octopus  fisher-
                                                                                                                                       women  to  swim  –  it  is  quite
                                                                                                                                       amazing  that  they  waded  out
                                                                                                                                       into  the  lagoon  wearing  long
                                                                                                                                       skirts  and  sweatshirts  and  yet
                                                                                                                                       couldn’t  swim.    They  arrived  for
                                                                                                                                       their  lessons  with  supermarket
                                                                                                                                       plastic  bags  tied  around  their
                                                                                           hair.  I doubt if they ever learnt to swim but …
                                                                                           Prince William came to Rodrigues to help with Club Mer during his ‘gap-year’ .  His
                                                                                           security guards said they had nothing to do because Rodrigues was so safe.  He
                                                                                           ‘chilled out’ on the beach with the local kids and even taught them to play rugby –
                                                                                           where else would he have been able to do that.

                                                                                           In  the  Seychelles  I ran  marine  teacher  training  courses,  worked  with  marine  park
                                                                                           rangers,  the  marine  training  college,  boat-trip  operators  and  schools.    I  even
                                                                                           added a marine element to the National Curriculum. Despite their white beaches
                                                                                           and  clear waters ‘to die for’, it is amazing that few local people can swim or ever
                                                                                           go to the beach.  They have a very negative attitude to the sea.
                                                                                           It  is  very  gratifying  that  in  both  Rodrigues  and  the  Seychelles,  much  of  the  work
                                                                                           started by Shoals, is being carried on.
                                                                                           I was fortunate enough to be awarded a Millennium Fellowship award to travel to
                                                                                           Tobago in the Caribbean to assist with a research project on land crabs, After our
                                                                                           three weeks work two us stayed on and explored the
                                                                                           island  in  a  hire  car.    The  Tobago  roads  through  the
                                                                                           rain  forest  are  challenging  in  an  ancient  Datsun
                                                                                           I trained as a diver and spent many years diving both
                                                                                           in sunny climes and locally, in the UK.  You don’t have
                                                                                           to  travel  to  exotic  places  to  see  varied  and
                                                                                           abundant marine life – we have got it here.  We just
                                                                                           don’t have the visibility to see it so well!  I must have
                                                                                           spent  many  happy  hours  under  Swanage  pier.    The
                                                                                           pier piles are covered with marine life and it is shallow
                                                                                           and your air lasts for ages.   I went to dive in the Red
                                                                                           Sea  with  a  group  called  the  Jolly  Boys.    My  friend,
                                                                                           Linda  and  I  were  honorary  Jolly  Boys!    The  ‘boys’
                                                                                           believed  in  covering  as  much  of  the  seabed  as

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