Page 52 - feb2024
P. 52

February 2024                                                                       February 2024

                                                                                           hours)  this  quantity  makes  about  8  lbs  marmalade.    Do  not  let  the  syrup  boil
                                                                                           before  putting  in  the  peel  or  it  hardens  the  chips  and  never  let  it  boil  fast.    In
                                                                                           making  this quantity it was found better to put 1 ½ pints of water instead of two

                                                                                           French Marmalade

                                                                                           Bere Regis Recipe Book

                                                                                           6 Seville oranges, 1 sweet 1 lemon
                                                                                           3 teacupfuls of water to each fruit
                                                                                           (24) 1lb sugar to each fruit (8)

                                                                                           Cut the fruit crossways trim and put
                                                                                           the  pips  into  a  little  of  the  water,
                                                                                           slice the fruit very thinly and put it
                                                                                           in a  basin put  the water  to it  and
                                                                                           leave it till next day – strain the pips from the water and put the water to the other
                                                                                           – Boil two hours first without sugar counting from the moment it goes on the fire
                                                                                           then add sugar and boil it 1 ½ hours longer.  Skim well
                                                                                           The above are proportions as given – it was found to very sweet and the following
                                                                                           proportions and quantities were approved (made in 1921)
                                                                                           11 Seville Oranges
                                                                                           2 ½ Sweet oranges
                                                                                           1 ½ lemons

                                                                                           9 ½ lbs sugar and 12 pints of water
                                                                                                                                                        Susan Stone

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