Page 46 - feb2024
P. 46

February 2024                                                                       February 2024

       and it was a great experience!” he said. It                                         various  parts  of  the  world  –  great  for  my  holidays.    You  would  never  sit  in  Bere
       is  amazing  what  talented  people  you                                            Regis and decide “I must go to Kazakhstan”!  They have a house on the coast in
       meet in swimming pools!                                                             Turkey (my daughter-in-law is Turkish) and I go there for holidays to see them – it is
                                                                                           easier than going to Utah!  When he was in Australia, my daughter and I went on
       It  was  time  for  my  swim  so  after  leaving                                    a round-the-world trip and saw him in Queensland.  I went into Dorchester Travel
       Diana on poolside in her fashionable blue                                           to book it and the agent asked me where I had to go and he would design the
       shoe  covers, I  quickly  changed  and  was                                         trip around it.  He was amazed when I said “Townsville”.  It was his hometown and
       soon  descending  the  steps  into  the  big                                        it was like someone walking into
       pool. The water was clean and pure and I                                            a  travel  agents  in  Sydney  and
       enjoyed my swim. The pool tiling had seen                                           saying  “Dorchester”!    I  like
       better  days  but  I  guess  that  keeping                                          staying  with  people  (hopefully
       things  as  they  were  is  a  condition  of  the                                   they don’t mind} – I stayed with
       building’s grade ll listed status. One of the joys of swimming in this pool was the   one  niece  in  California  and
       natural light shining through the domed roof; lovely!                               another in Tanzania.
       Back  on  poolside  and  changed,  I  was  able  to  watch  the  children’s  swimming   David  and  I  married  two  years
       classes going on in the small pool. Lucy Morgan was there with her two children,    ago  –  ‘why’  you  ask  when  we
                                                 Poppy aged 6 and Lara aged 4.             have been together for 30 years
                                                 Lara  was  in  the  water  and  her       –  well  you  shouldn’t  rush  these
                                                 teacher  called  over  to  Lucy
                                                 telling her that Lara was ready to
                                                 go  up  a  class.  Having  taught
                                                 swimming  for  many  years,  the
                                                 smile  on  a  mum’s  face  (and  the
                                                 child!)  when  you  tell  them  they                                   G P Lewis
                                                 have  been  promoted,  is  always
                                                 most  rewarding.  What  did  Lucy            Interior/Exterior Painter & Decorator
                                                 think  of  the  pool?  “It  is  a  lovely
                                                 big pool, but the changing rooms
                                                 are an issue” she said. I was able          All aspects of painting and
                                                 to  tell  her  that  refurbishment  of      decorating undertaken including
                                                 the  changing  rooms  was  about            Domestic, New builds, Refurbs
                                                 to  take  place  the  following
       Monday. I guess there is always work needing doing in swimming pools.                 and Commercial.
       I rejoined Mo in his office upstairs. My journey through the labyrinth of corridors in   Qualified and with over 30 years
       the     building revealed that  not  a great  deal  of  money  had been  spent  in  this   experience, will offer friendly
       area. Mo had a big job with his 38 full time and around a hundred part-time staff.    advice if needed.
       “It’s a great place to work” he said “and my staff are fantastic!”
                                                                                                1st class finish                   If you require a job done hassle free
       A number of local schools use the pool including some large private ones and the
       City  of  Westminster  council  is  very  supportive.  The  centre  also  has  an  excellent      Free written quotes        by an honest, friendly tradesman
       relationship with blind and disability groups. They can bring their carers and the       Fully insured                          please give Gavin a call on
       centre provides the teaching staff in a building which has been adapted for easy          No job too small or big            01929 471704 or 07977
       access to suit their needs.                                                                                                        047314, Email:
                                                                                                No VAT
       It was good to hear that diving classes regularly took place at the pool as part of                                   

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