Page 42 - feb2024
P. 42

February 2024                                                                       February 2024
       Janey: What is the favourite book that you have used
       with a child?
       Laura:  We  always  start  with  ‘You  Choose’  which is  a
       great  book  to  get  children  talking  about  themselves
       without  any  reading  pressure.    Quite  often  children
       want  to  go  back  to  it  again  and  again.    Another
       favourite is ‘Don’t Open This Book’ by  Andy Lee and
                                 its  sequel  ‘Don’t  Open
                                 this  Book  Again’.    It’s
                                 really  funny  and  the
                                 children  love  disobeying
                                 t h e    c h a r a c t e r ’ s
                                 instructions to not keep turning the pages!
                                 I  also  use  games  with  the  children.  Some  children
                                 love  memory  games  -  and  they  often  beat
                                 me!   Hangman  is  a favourite - I really  enjoy seeing
                                 them trying to work out what the answer is.
                                 I  think  the  biggest  indication  of  success  for  me  is
                                 how  the  children  become  more  confident  in  their
                                 reading  -  knowing  they  can  go  at  their  own  pace
                                 and  it’s  OK  to  make  mistakes  or  not  want  to  read
       some  weeks  or  have  me  do  some  of  the  reading.  I  love  how  different  all  the
       children are and how they all want to spend time doing something different with
       Janey: I understand that you were a school governor.
       Laura:  I  have  recently  given  up  being  a  governor  after  about  8  or  9  years,  I
       think?    Both  my  children  went  to  Bere  Regis  school  and  I’ve  seen  it  improve
       massively over the years - all credit to Rachael and her team for giving so much
       to  the  school.    The  school  governors  support  the  scheme.  It  adds  more  than
       literacy to the school - it builds community links and helps prepare children for the
       wider world.
       Dorset Reading Partners is run by only three paid employees  - Volunteer Services
       Manager  -  Juliet Ruddick,  Volunteer Support co-ordinator  - Bonnie Stevens, and
       Volunteer support worker  -  Mary Randall.  Bonnie worked at Bere Regis school for
       six years as a Teaching Assistant and was also a Staff Governor during her time.
       The  part  time  volunteer  librarian,  Jean,  also  volunteered  at  “the  very  happy
       school”  in  Bere  Regis  for  three  years  and  the  parish  magqazine  Editor,  Alison
       Debenham, is a Trustee of the charity.
       New volunteers are always welcomed. If you want to know more have a look at
       the website

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