Page 8 - br-feb-2021
P. 8

February 2021                                                                       February 2021

                                OBITUARIES                                                                                     Ernest’s death in 1952, the southern part
                                                                                                                               of the estate was sold off in an auction
                                                                                                                               held  in  the  Corn  Exchange,  Dorchester
                 Brenda Pitfield (1935-2020)                                                                                   on October 21, 1953.  Many of the farms
                                                                                                                               and  houses  had  tenants  who  bought
        We lost Brenda on 9th December after she had been in hospital for about a                                              them at this time. One of these was West
        week. Her health and fitness had taken a jolt in January 2017 after a fall when                                        Farm, Affpuddle, consisting of 409 acres,
        she broke her arm after slipping on ice in Dorchester. After recovering from this                                      purchased  by  tenants  Edgar  and  Stella
        she  returned  to  something  like  normal  and  got  back  to  driving,  and  also                                    Kellaway.    Stella  was  born  in
        parking, again, but as the years passed she needed more help from her sons                                             Briantspuddle, at the Hollow, and is now
        Mark  and  John,  who  made  sure  that  she  could  continue  attending  her                                          one of the village’s most senior residents.
        beloved Bere Church and also get to the surgery and to appointments with                                               She has worked on  the farm  all  her  life,
        the  dentist,  chiropodist  and  choir  at  Briantspuddle  Singers.  The  result  of  this                             and still does the books, assisted by her
        effort was that Brenda was able to live in her own house almost right to the       son-in-law Roger Prideaux who now farms the land with his wife Shirley.  Another of
        end.                                                                               Stella’s  daily  commitments  until  very  recently  was  the  locking  and  unlocking  of
                                                                                           Affpuddle  church.   She carried  out  this  task for  around  27  years  since  vicar  Bert
        Brenda married Fred in 1955 after they had met many times at dances, music         Johnson retired.
        concerts and, of course, the Briantspuddle Singers where in the 1950s they had
        singing,  dancing  and  musical  instrument  training.  Brenda  lived  at  Troytown   The fine cob and thatched barn in Briantspuddle, rebuilt in 1803, was turned into
        then  with  her  parents  and  brother,  and  Fred  was  brought  up  at  Bere  Regis.   the present village hall as a gift from Ernest Debenham. Nine clubs and activities
        They were married at Puddletown church, then moved to rented rooms at No           were  listed  as  regular  users  in  1953.    Included  was  the  intriguingly-named  Slate
        78 West Street while their bungalow was built in Butt Lane and they moved in       Club.  All  members  of  this  paid  6d  (2.5p)  each  week.   If  any  member  was  ill,  he
        in 1956 before electricity was connected and spent evenings illuminated by oil     could  draw  £1  a  week  for  several  weeks.    Nowadays  the  village  hall  has  an
        lamps  for  some  time.  Fred  had  designed  the  house  and  also  many  others
        around  the  village  and  surroundings,  then  after  leaving  private  practice,
        began  work  at  Dorset  County  Council  Architects  Department  but  he  never
        turned down the chance to help villagers with their planning permission needs.
        Mark and John were born in the late 1950s and 1960s, but Brenda had been
        working in the Council Accounts Department and was even using computers
        at  that  time.  After  the  boys  started  school  and for  some  time  after  that  she
        had jobs at the South Street Tesco's at Dorchester, again doing the accounts,
        then later she worked at the Health Food shop in Trinity Street and was also the
        receptionist for the chiropractor in .Dorchester. This all culminated in her most
        prized job of all, being the regional representative for the Church Army charity,
        which meant having to learn to drive, which she kept a secret from Fred until
        she could announce that she had passed her driving
        test. Years of travelling all across the south of England
        meant  that she was usually up and ready to depart
        before anyone else in the house, waking up whoever
        was blocking her car on the drive at unearthly hours in
        the morning. Brenda, now a fully committed Christian,
        progressed from this in 1989 when she was licensed as                              enthusiastic  committee  running  it  and  raising  funds  for  its  maintenance  and
        a Lay Preacher and so was able to play an increasing                               improvement.    Entertainments  offered  include  concerts,  sophisticated  Artsreach
        role in the local parishes for some years.
                                                                                           performances and Purbeck Film Festival events. Many events include sumptuous
                                                                                           suppers prepared by Briantspuddle’s expert cooks.

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