Page 52 - br-feb-2020
P. 52

February 2020                                                                       February 2020

       Also don’t forget there are the regular weekly activities of short mat bowls, Pilates,                        OBITUARIES
       yoga and keep fit available. For more details of these either check out the notice
       board or contact me and I’ll be happy to put you in touch with the right people.
                                                                                                     Roy Dennis Comben R.I.P
       Stuart Chorley

       Chairman of Briantspuddle Village a Hall Trustees
                                                                                             25  April 1933 – 14  November 2019
       Contact details or phone 07818078191
                                                                                             Roy Comben was born on 25  April 1933, the only child of William Charles and
                                                                                             Olive May Comben on the Isle of Portland, Dorset.  Early life was spent at Rock
                                                                                             Cottage,  Wakeham,  Portland  with  grand-parents,  parents  and  his  mum’s
       AFFPUDDLE AND TURNERSPUDDLE PARISH                                                    younger brother, Richard and sisters Edna and Elizabeth (Bet).  He had a daily
                                                                                             train journey from Portland to Weymouth Grammar School.  Leaving at 16, he
       COUNCIL                                                                               worked for the Post Office in communications, then did his National Service in
                                                                                             the  Air  Force.    Whilst  working  for  Marconi,  as  an  electronics  engineer,  he
                                                                                             travelled  the  World.    One  team,  he  worked  with,  were  based  on  Christmas
       Affpuddle  and  Turnerspuddle  Parish  Council  is  in  the  process  of  calculating  its   Island, involved in testing the first H-bomb.
       carbon  footprint  and  will  then  look  ahead  to  what  it  considers  to  be  the  next
       steps.  Information,  help  and  advice  is  available  on  the  Dorset  Council  website   In  the  1990s  he  had  a  villa  in  America,  with  friend,  Mike  and  they  managed
       and  there  is  a  link  to  this  from  the  Briantspuddle  Community  Website  under   holiday packages for several home-owners.  He retired at 60.
       Activity; Waste Not.                                                                  On  26   July  1960,  he  married  Joyce  Pearce  and  they  had  two  daughters:
                                                                                             Joanne, who has one daughter, Ella and Trudi, who has two, Natalie and Emma.
       At its last meeting the Parish Council decided to increase the precept this year by
       £65.78. The additional cost per household will be less than £1 on average. Costs      Joyce died in 1976 and Roy did an amazing job raising his daughters, alone.
       continue  to  rise,  and  this  means  that  some  difficult  choices  need  to  be  made   On 6  November 1999, after 6 years together, Roy married Mona and became
       when it comes to managing budgets.                                                    Dad to Julie and Suzanne and grandad to Maya, Marie, Jade and Joshua and
                                                                                             great-grandad to Jennifer and Thomas.  Roy and Mona enjoyed many holidays,
       Graham Lightfoot is the Flood Warden for the Parish. Anyone with a concern or in      meals out with friends or at home with the ‘wine club’, and shared opinions on
       need    of   advice   can   contact   him   on   01929   471498   or   by
       email at
                                                                                             Roy (or Pappy)’s great joy was his grand-children: long walks with them and the
       The Parish Council is aware that litter is a concern to residents, and this will be on
                                                                                             dogs,  camp  outs  in  our  beach  hut  on  Portland,  going  to  school  events  and
       the agenda for discussion at our meeting on the 12th February.
                                                                                             Birthday parties – sharing their activities.  He supported Joshua in his Taekwondo
       Councillor  Sarah  Lowman  resigned  from  her  position  after  the  Parish  Council   and even gave Jade advice on her prom ensemble!  He instilled good manners
       meeting earlier this month. We would like to take the opportunity to thank Sarah      and behaviour but disliked sticky hands and faces!  The daisy floral tribute on his
       for  all  her  hard  work  and  commitment  to  the  Parish  Council  during  her  time  as   coffin was his choice (a challenge in December!), as throughout their childhood
       Councillor.                                                                           the  grand-children  had  made  daisy  chains  to
                                                                                             decorate his bald head!
       There  are  now  two  vacancies  on  the  Parish  Council.  Anyone  interested  in
       becoming a Parish Councillor should contact the Clerk.                                Recently,  the  memory  nurse  asked  Joshua  to  sum  up
                                                                                             Pappy in a sentence.  He said “he has always been my
       Finally, a reminder that the Parish Council meets every second Wednesday of the       friend  –  a  confident  councillor,  who  listens  and  gives
       month.  Agendas  and  minutes  are  available  on  the  website  and  noticeboards.   me good advice”.
       Members of the public are welcome to attend.  For anyone wishing to raise an
                                                                                             Roy’s  other  joy  was  his  singing.    He  joined  a  church
                                                                                             choir  at  a  young  age,  was  Chairman  of  the  Milton
        Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:                          Abbey Music Festival, sang Bach with the Dorset Bach

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