Page 38 - br-dec-2022
P. 38

December 2022                       December 2022

 of the community brought together by the two central characters, octogenarian
 Rosemary  who  has  lived  there  all  her  life  and  twenty-something,  Kate,  a  very
 junior journalist and new to the city, as they begin a campaign to save the lido.

 A lovely feel-good book that allows the reader to glimpse at bygone times while
 firmly  set  in  the  present  day  and the  issues  many  people  face  both  individually
 and as communities.   Definitely one that we would recommend.

 Our current book is The Martian by Andy Weir and we will be discussing this at our
 next meeting - 30/11/2022 - and this is to be followed by  A Cotswold Christmas
 Murder  by  Rebecca  Tope  and  reviewed  at  our  December  meeting.    New
 members welcome to join us - 7:15pm on 28/12/2022 at The Royal Oak.

 When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw their
 advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the effectiveness of

 their advert and helps us generate more advertising revenue!!

                                                            These are available   direct from the artists,   and also from St John   the Baptist  Church as   well as Briantspuddle   Post Office and shop.

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