Page 35 - br-dec-2022
P. 35

December 2022                                                                       December 2022
       Worldwide they are some  150,000 known species compared to just 22,000 bees          his  teens  he  spent  the  summers  lifeguarding  at
       and  13,000  ants.  The  black  and  yellow  striped  wasp,  with  its  characteristic   Hinksey  Pool  in  Oxford.  He  became  an
       extremely  thin  wasp  waist,  is  the  yellowjacket  or  vespine  wasp.  Although  many   international  canoeist  both  at  marathon  and
       wasps  lead  a  solitary  existence  the  vespine  wasp  live  a  social  live  in  large   sprint  distances  and  was  the  GB  surf  life  saving
       colonies. The queen wasp establishes the nest and lays all the eggs. The ‘worker’    champion  for  a  couple  of  years.  Then  he
       wasps hunt for caterpillars, aphids etc to feed the young larva, although the adult   competed  at  triathlon  for  ten  years  as  well  as
       wasps are strictly vegetarian and feed on nectar from flowers; hence, the dual       becoming an ASA swimming teacher. In 1975 he
       role of predating pests and pollinating plants.                                      received  a  Royal  Humane  Society  award  for
       Wasp  nests  are  amazing  works  of  architecture.  The  nest  is  made  from  wood   bravery  for rescuing someone  who was  trying  to
       gathered  by  the  ‘worker’  wasps  from  trees  or  maybe  from  the  surface  of  your   commit  suicide  off  Folly  Bridge,  Oxford  in  the
       garden fence or bench and combined with saliva is made into a workable pulp.         middle of winter.
       Nest can be as large as a football or even bigger. The queen lays her eggs into      We were soon joined by Richard. He had learnt to
       the cavities created between the incredibly thin and delicate layers of the wood     swim  at  a  young  age  and  he  remembers  with
       pulp. The photo shows a small wasp nest found in hay store in the village.           affection his Sunday evening trips with his dad to
                                                   So,   if   wasps   have   been           Temple  Cowley  Swimming  Pool.  As  a  child,  he
                                                   carrying  out  their  business           made frequent summer visits to Hinksey Lido and
                                                                                                                                 occasionally  swam  in  the  river.  He
                                                   during  the  spring  and  early
                                                   summer  why  do  they  start  to                                              moved  to  Swanage  in  1991  and  took
                                                   annoy  us  at  the  end  of  the                                              up triathlon which is where he met up
                                                   summer.  When  the  colony  is                                                with  Dave.  Now  both  are  dedicated
                                                   young  the  larva  secrete  a                                                 sea  swimmers,  enjoying  it  for  fun  and
                                                   sugary solution which the adult                                               fitness.
                                                   wasps can feed on. At the end                                                 Sarah  Spurling  a  former  competitive
                                                   of the summer there are fewer                                                 pool  swimmer  and  Les  Jessop  my  old
                                                   larva  and  thus  less  sugar                                                 water  polo  buddy,  soon  joined  us  so
                                                   secretions  for  the  adults  to                                              we were just five on the day.  We often
                                                   feed  on.  But,  the  adult  wasps                                            get  up  to  a  dozen  swimmers.  “Open
                                                   still  need  to  feed.  Your  jam                                             water  swimming  was  an  amazing
                                                   scone or  beer is just  the  sugar                                            discovery  for  me”  Sarah  said  “it  gives
                                                   fix they need!                                                                me  such  a  sense  of  freedom  and
                                                                                                                                 achievement.  I  feel  so  privileged!”.

                                                                                                                                 The  camaraderie,  the  friendships  can
       Bere Stream                                                                                                               be life changing.
       After  all  the  dry  weather  of                                                                                         We  were  now  ready  and  Dave
       summer,   late   autumn   has                                                                                             decided  that for  a change  we would
       brought  plenty  of  rain  and  the                                                                                       swim  down  to  Sheps  Hollow.  We
       water  level  in  the  stream  has                                                                                        always swim just 30/40 metres from the
       risen  again.  You  will  have                                                                                            shoreline  and  parallel  to  the  beach
       noticed  the  extensive  growth  of                                                                                       well within the 5 knot buoys further out
       water  plants  which  in  some                                                                                            to  sea.  Although  all  of  us  are
       areas  have  spread  right  across                                                                                        experienced sea swimmers, safety is a
       the   stream.   The   dominant                                                                                            major consideration and no one wants
       species are Water Crowfoot with                                                      to be mowed down by a jet ski.
       its attractive white flowers in the

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