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December 2022                                                                       December 2022

       BERE REGIS WI                                                                        SOCIABLE BOOKWORMS

       We  started  our  October  Meeting  in  a  rather
       sombre  mood  knowing  that  our  arranged                                           As promised, we have two book reviews for you this
       Speaker's  subject  would  be  informative  (under
       the  umbrella  of  Cancer  Research)  but  the  talk
       on Marie Curie would be rather "close to home"                                       ‘Becoming’ by Michelle Obama.
       for  mostly  elderly  members  of  our  WI!!!  However  we  were  very  surprised  at  the
       amount  of  work  involved  and  the  necessary  medical  requirements  needed       Sociable  Bookworms’  latest  book  was  the  above
       before any nursing can be given.                                                     autobiography. It was felt by all to be very readable, interesting and generous in
                                                                                            its detail. We agreed that reading the book was a more fulfilling experience than
       Marie  Curie  was  born  in  1867  in  Warsaw,  Poland  and  was  a  naturalised-French   listening to the audio recording by the author, which was felt to be lacking in the
       Physicist and Chemist who with her Husband conducted pioneering research on                                  emotion and enthusiastic ambition enjoyed by those
       radioactivity. She won the Nobel Prize twice and was one of the first to invent a                            who read it.
       mobile x-ray machine. The details of her life and achievements are all recorded
       under Marie                                                                                    Michelle  Obama  comes  across  as  a  genuine  and
                                                                                                                    likeable  woman  who  is  driven  by  her  passions  and
                                                       As  a  result  of  all  her  work                            supported by many around her - family, friends and
                                                       the Marie Curie Charity was                                  staff.  At  the  same  time,  she  is  a  devoted  daughter,
                                                       started to provide care and                                  wife  and  mother.  This  led  one  of  our  group  to
                                                       support  free  of  charge  for                               comment,  ‘What  a  woman!’,  a  phrase  none  of  us
                                                       people  and  their  families                                 could disagree with!
                                                       living with terminal illness. To
                                                       provide  end  of  life  care                                 Our  discussion  also  covered  the  differences  and
                                                       day  and  night  and  the                                    similarities in  politics  both  here  and in  America,  and
                                                       challenges  in  the  coming                                  how  many  ‘racial’  eye-openers  it  offered  in  how
                                                       years  is  getting  more  and                                people  of  colour  are  treated  in  America,  and
                                                       more  difficult  as  more                                    possibly in the UK too.
                                                       people  are  living  longer
                                                       and  alone  and  need  help                                  A  recommended  read,
                                                       and  assistance  in  their  last                             ultimately  uplifting  and
       12 weeks of life. They do try to keep patients in their own homes if possible.       inspiring,  but  with  passages  of  sadness  and  some
                                                                                            surprises too!
       It is a wonderful charity and needs all our support.
       Unfortunately as costs spiral many people face a Winter of worry and hardship. As    ‘The Lido’ by Libby Paige
       always  the  WI leads  the  national conversation,  lobbying  the  government  to  do
       more to help those in need. That is why we are supporting the Warm This Winter       A  lovely  read,  enjoyed  by  most  of  the  group,  The
       campaign  which  calls  on  the  Government  to  put  in  place  a  package  of      Lido  explores  a  wide  range  of  topics  including
       measures to address this crisis.                                                     mental  health  and  well-being,  loneliness  and
                                                                                            isolation,  and  community,  from  the  perspective  of
       Our  next  Meeting  is  on  Wednesday,  16th  November  at  the  Sports  Club  for   different generations.
       Christmas Arts and Crafts. Everybody Welcome.
                                                                                            The  story  is  set  in  Brixton,  London  and  revolves
                                                                                            around the local swimming lido which is on the brink
                                                                                            of closure.  We are introduced to various members

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