Page 33 - br-dec-2022
P. 33

December 2022                                                                       December 2022

                                                          This past month has also          reality depends greatly on the direction of

                                                          seen the start up of our          the  wind  and  tide.  “That  was  20  minutes
                                                          volunteer  work  parties          down  and  only  15  back”  I  heard  on  this
                                                          again.  As  a  Rewilding          occasion.  This is the thing about swimming
                                                          site,  we  don’t  have  a         in  the  sea,  every  swim  is  different  and  a
                                                          huge    amount     of             new experience. You cannot bottle it and
                                                          practical  work  to  do,          sell  it.  It  is  just  there,  free  for  everyone.
                                                          but  there  is  always  the       There is  no  local  authority dictating  when
                                                          odd job here and there            you  can  swim,  no  health  and  safety  with
                                                          that  crops  up  and              risk   assessments,   normal   operating
                                                          needs   a   team   of             procedures and emergency action plans.
                                                          enthusiastic  volunteers          We  don’t  take  unnecessary  risks  but  we
                                                          to  get  stuck  into!  Our        just do it.
                                                          first task this  Winter was
                                                          hand  pulling  the  huge                                                              Back  at  the  chalet,
       amount of Buddleia saplings that have cropped up in a number of fields.                                                                  we emerged from the
                                                                                                                                                sea  one  by  one,
       It was a debate for us at Woodbury as to whether we should intervene when we                                                             sometimes in pairs. It is
       started seeing it pop-up, but a bit of research convinced us it was the best way                                                         always  a  wonderful
       forward. Although it is rightly famed for being an excellent plant for invertebrates,                                                    feeling;  a  good  swim
       it is  a non-native in this country  and doesn’t  get  grazed  by  any  livestock  we’re                                                 followed  by  a  quick
       likely to have on site. I believe we would have ended up with a Buddleia forest                                                          rub   down     and
       across  much  of  the  site,  outcompeting  and  shading  out  many  native  species,                                                    change.  It  was  time
       stopping them from growing. With all this in mind, a group of 10 volunteers braved                                                       for  a  chat  and  to
       the incoming rain and wind for a half-day of pulling across two fields, clearing the                                                     discuss  the  events  of
       majority of saplings.                                                                                                                    the   weekend    or
                                                                                            beyond.  Every sinew in me tingled, my world felt good with every pressure and
       If  you  would  like  to  know  more  about  Wild  Woodbury,  or  have  any  other   strain behind me for the time being.
       questions,    please   do    get   in   touch    with   me,    Seb,   at                                                 “Anyone for breakfast?”  Did I hear someone mention food? I am always starving
                                                                                            after  a swim and  this morning  was  no  exception.  Now  this  rounded  off  another
                                                                                            perfect start to my weekend....

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