Page 36 - br-dec-2022
P. 36

December 2022                       December 2022

 SWANAGE BAY   summer and the delightfully named Fool’s Watercress (pictured) which could be
       mistaken for our watercress in the nearby beds.
       We  have  heard  that  some  villagers  have  expressed concern  that  this  growth  is
 It was a glorious summer morning as I made my half hour car journey to Swanage   blocking  the  stream.  We  can  assure  everyone  that  this  growth  is  natural,  and
 for my Saturday  morning swim with old friends.   Weekends are usually busy, but   much  water  will  be  flowing  under  the  leaves.  However,  the  stream  flow  will  be
 this was definitely ‘me’ time.   slowed down.
 I nearly always enjoy my journey as at 7am the roads are fairly quiet and I allow   Far from being a problem this is what happens every winter and causes water to
 myself a little thinking time. As usual, I parked on the road above the promenade   enter the nearby Souls Moor ‘water meadow’. This also encourages the growth of
 and  took  the  short  walk  down to the beach.  Today  was  going to be  a  special   important  native  plants  on  the  meadow  like  the  Southern  Marsh  Orchid.  In  the
 day. The early morning sun was beating down from a beautiful blue cloudless sky.   stream,  the  aquatic  vegetation  provide  shelter  for  small  fish  and  aquatic
 The sea was a flat mirror pond of peace and tranquillity. I love it here!   invertebrates  such  as  caddis
 Across the road, I could already see                fly  larvae.  This  is  the  classic
 Dave  Cook  preparing  for  the                     characteristic  of  a  ‘chalk
 morning  as  he  put  out  the  chairs              stream’.
 neatly  spaced  in  front  of  his  beach           Souls  Moor  and  the  Stream
 chalet. “Hi Dave-– Richard not down                 were   designated   as   an
 yet?”  I  greeted  my  old  friend.                 S.N.C.I   (Site   of   Nature
 Richard  Tavinor  is  the  joint  owner  of         Conservation     Interest)
 what  they  both  jokingly  call  their             because  of  this.  In  past
 “listing” building.                                 centuries  water  meadows
                                                     were valued for crop growing
                                                     because nutrient rich silt was
                                                     washed down to these areas
                                                     from further upstream.
 I guess that Dave is the unofficial leader of   Holding  back  water  leading  to  the  flooding  of  water  meadows  is  now
 our informal band of swimmers. Club rules:   encouraged in many places to prevent or at least minimise flooding downstream
 well there aren’t any really, we just look out   on land and property. There are a number of locations around the country where
 for each other and try to make sure we are   streams  that  had  been  ‘straightened  out’  some  30  years  ago,  to  acquire  more
 all  safe.  A  few  years  ago  in  a  rough  sea,   intensively  farmed  agricultural  land.  They  have  now  been  taken  back  to  their
 Richard,  Pete  Meteau  (another  of  my   original course and revegetation encouraged. We are indeed fortunate to have
 swimming  buddies)  and  I  set  out  for  the   a very good example of this classic chalk stream in the village.
 stone  pier  and  back.  Somewhere  on  the
 outward  journey  I  had  managed  to  swim  ahead  of  the  other  two  (I  still  could
 then!) but thought that I would meet them coming back. I never did find them in   Join Us at our Conservation Working Parties
 the maelstrom of the sea and when I returned to the safety of the chalet I waited.
 I could see two lonely figures gradually making their way up the beach and it was   Please come and join us at our Conservation Working Party. The next will be on
 of  course  Richard  and  Pete.  They  had  got  out  and  were  looking  for  me,   Saturday  3rd  December,  followed  by  others  on  the  first  Saturdays  of  January,
 concerned for my safety.  Their relief was tangible but do you know what those   February,  March  and  April  2023.    No  experience  is  required,  there’s  a  friendly
 two  said  to  each  other  when  I  was  missing  “Well  at  least  he  would  have  died   crowd and it is great fun and exercise too! If you would like to join us please email
 doing the thing he loved”. Old friendships, black humour still go hand in hand in   Mike  Gee  at  for  more  details  and  a  copy  of  our  health
 our swimming community.    and safety guidelines.
 Dave is an interesting character. His mother was a former county swimmer and   We will meet by the stream bridge near to the Scout Hut, Elder Road at 10am or
 with her encouragement he began swimming for Oxford City Swimming Club. In

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