Page 50 - BR August 2023
P. 50

August 2023                                                                          August 2023
        Troublesome Tech                                                                    because  young  Adders  won’t  move  far  from  where  they  hatched,  almost
                                                                                            certainly confirming that we have breeding Adder on site too, considering it was
        It's enough to phase an aged chap,                                                  in  the  middle  of  the  site.  That  brings  our  reptile  species  for  4  out  of  6  currently
        I've got a problem with an app;                                                     recognised species in the UK (not including Wall Lizard, Western Green Lizard or
                                                                                            Aesculapian  Snake  which are  colonising  some  of  the  UK).  Just  Sand  Lizard  and
        my phone is meant to be so smart                                                    Smooth Snake to go until we have the full 6.
        but a data load just will not start.
        My even smarter watch should link                                                   This time of year is a great time to get out and try to spot Glowworms doing their
                                                                                            thing  and  lighting  up  the  night.  Not  a  worm  at  all,  but  in  fact  a  beetle,  these
        so why it won't, I cannot think;                                                    bioluminescent  beings  emit  a  light  created  by  a  chemical  reaction  in  their
        there are so many things to try,                                                    abdomen to attract a mate. They are quite common down here in Dorset, with
        so which are best and which apply?                                                  many  heathlands  and  grasslands  holding  decent  populations,  including  being
                                                                                            present at Wild Woodbury, where I have seen 12 so far this year (many in the day,
        So with the phone upon my lap,                                                      and just a few glowing at night). The best time to attempt to see them is on a still,
                                                                                            warm  evening,  with  a  crescent  moon,  as  they’re  less  likely  to  glow  with  a  full
        I opened up that faulting app;                                                      moon. Try not to use a torch and let your eyes adjust to the dark, which will make
        the listed watch I then erased,                                                     picking  out  their  glow  much  easier.  Along  with  the  Silver-studded  Blues  and
        closed the app, no longer phased.                                                   reptiles, they’re one of many species which we hope will continue to increase in
        I powered off the phone and watch,                                                  the coming months and years.
        trusting this was not some botch;                                                   As ever, should you wish to get in contact with me, please drop me an email at
        the phone, I powered on again                                             
        and hoped that all was not in vain.

        I had to link the watch once more
        into that app, just as before;
        I typed in text and a number code
        that on the watch dial had just showed.
        Now fingers crossed that all is well
        yet really, only time will tell.
        I opened up that that faulting app;
        it worked, I am a lucky chap.

        In times before this age of tech,
        a watch was for the time to check;
        a phone was just to make a call
        but nowadays that's just not all.
        You need a phone for this and that,
        for internet and online chat;
        a drive to town is no mere lark,
        you need an app just to park,

                                 Chris Nother

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