Page 45 - BR August 2023
P. 45

August 2023                          August 2023


 Dorset County Council Trading Standards Service check and
 approve businesses so you don’t have to.
 For more information visit or
 call 08454 040506.
 To report or seek advice about problems you have
 experienced when dealing with a trader call 08454 040506.

 Age restricted sales

 There are laws that restrict the sale of certain products and services to underage
 people. Just some of these age restricted products and services are:

 Minimum age 18 – Alcohol, fireworks, knives, vapes and tobacco.
 Minimum age 16 – Aerosol paint and petrol.
 Minimum age 12 – DVDs and computer games with a 12 aged classification.
 There are concerns about the potential availability of age restricted products to
 young  people,  and  of  the  personal  and  social  implications  that  come  from
 buying  them  underage.  Trading  Standards  enforce  the  law  for  many  different
 types  of  products,  helping  to  keep  young  people  safe,  and  communities
 protected from anti-social behaviour.
 Retailers  know  that  they
    shouldn ’t   sel l   age
 restricted goods to people
 younger   than   allowed.
 They  are  encouraged  to
 put  systems  in  place  to
 make sure that they don’t
 sell  illegally.  Challenge  25
 is  one  such  system  that
 can  be  used.  Shop  staff
 are trained to always ask for ID from a person who looks younger than 25. If that is
 followed  closely,  then  sales  to  people  younger  than  18  should  not  be  made.
 Other processes can include having a refusals ‘book’ to demonstrate that sales
 are being refused, and by which members of staff. Posters can also be displayed
 that state that ID will be requested. Some shops have till prompts that put a sale
 on hold until the seller has had a proper look at the buyer to determine their age.
 If Trading Standards have concerns about a seller, then they use young people as
 volunteers to check whether retailers are following the rules by attempting to buy
 age restricted products. It is a fair test; volunteers would always be picked on the

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