Page 52 - BR August 2023
P. 52

August 2023                                                                          August 2023

                                                                                            We are indebted to Kim Benjafield for all the work she puts in to cleaning the bus
                                                                                            and getting it ready for each trip and to our volunteer drivers, without whom the
                                                                                            communibus  would  not  operate.  We  do  need  more  drivers  though.  If  you  are
                                                                                            able to offer your services, please contact the Clerk.


                                                                                            Like the Communibus, this is an invaluable parish initiative, but it is desperately in
                                                                                            need  of  volunteer  drivers. We  have  somewhere  in  the  region  of  160 clients  but
                                                                                            only 6 drivers at the moment. Please, please, if you can give a couple of hours a
                                                                                            month or whenever you are able, please put your name forward as a driver. You
                                                                                            will  not  be  committing  to  any  regular  drives.  You  will  only  be  committing  to
                                                                                            receiving  an  email  when  people  need  assistance  and,  if  you  are  able  to help,
                                                                                            then respond to the email. It’s as simple as that. Without you, this initiative will most
                                                                                            definitely close and that would be such a shame. Please contact the Clerk if you
                                                                                            can help.

                                                                                            Next Meeting
                                                                                            The  next  meeting  will  be  the  held  on  Thursday  10th  August  2023  commencing
                                                                                            7pm  at  the  Village  Hall.  If  you  wish  to  have  an  item  added  to  the  agenda  for
                                                                                            discussion,  please  contact  the  Clerk  or  a  member  of  the  Parish  Council  by  the
                                                                                            end of June.

                                                                                                                                              Amanda Crocker, Clerk

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