Page 47 - BR August 2023
P. 47

August 2023                          August 2023
 your bit by topping up your bird bath or if you haven’t got one put out a saucer
 of  water  for  birds  and  hedgehogs.  Honey  bees  will  also  appreciate  available   POETRY
 drinking water.  As  well as drinking water, honey bees use water for cooling the   CORNER
 hive in warm weather. They also use it to control the humidity in the hive, as well
 as  the  temperature.  And,  nursing  bees  need  water  to  produce  the  jelly  with
 which they feed the larvae. So, put some water out and you will know you are   Empty Chair
 helping wildlife and have the joy of seeing more wildlife in your garden. The best
 way to provide water for bees is to fill a saucer or something similar with pebbles   Your candle burns. My thoughts go with you.
 and then fill with water. The bees can then sip water whilst standing on the dry   I think of the chair, where you used to sit:
 part of a pebble.   The windows you opened; the books that
       you read;
 Contact Us   The pictures you painted with words that you
 If you would like to know more about the work of the  Wildlife and Environment
 Group or to be included on our e-mailing list, please contact:     Your candle burns. Life seems so empty.

 Tony Bates at /  01929 471563 or   To think it is finished, when I dreamed, I could
 Mike Gee at mike.n.g@outlook./com / 0775 988 4942
       In this house, which we lived, the friends,
       which I sought,
       But I could not follow the roads of your
 GARDENING CLUB   thought.

       Your candle burns. I stand so uncertain
       It doesn’t seem right, to pull down our
 July  has  bought  us  Gardeners  much  needed
 rain.    This  did  not  help  our  July  Meeting  to  the   curtain.
 Lytchett  Matravers  vineyard.    The  heavens   I see my reflection and yearn to be free,
 opened  and  it  was  decided  to  cancel  at  the  last  moment.    I  know  we  are   From the hole in my heart, where you used to
 gardeners and cope with some rain but……  We hope to re-arrange this trip next   be.
       Your candle burns. My thoughts go with you.   Birthday Presence
 Looking  ahead.    Unusually  I
 have  decided  to  go  for  an      I think of the chair, where you used to sit:
 August  meeting  and  on  1    Smoke fills my mind, as I try to think clear,   When it is my birthday,
 August  we  are  heading  out   Of the times in my life, when you gave me   Please don’t give me stuff.
 to Down Farm on Cranborne   your ear.            With regard to all of that,
 Chase.   Hopefully  we will  be                  I have more than enough.
 joined  by  some  members  of   Paul J Openshaw (1975)
 the  history  society.    Martin                 It’s a different matter,
 Green  is  the  Farmer  there                    If a moment you will share.
 and  a  few  years  ago  he                      Give me a time and place,
 decided  to  give  up  farming                   And I will meet you there.
 and become an archeologist.  He has created wildlife ponds and areas on the
 farm  and  has  dug  up  burial  mounds  and  the  Dorset  Cursus.    This  evening
                                                     Paul J Openshaw (May 2023)

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